
2 回答 2

  • In stopwatch.cpp change the include at line 49 from strstream.h to sstream.
  • In stopwatch.cpp line 50 change the include from fstream.h to fstream.
  • In qsort.h change the declaration of Qsort() so the second and third parameters are unsigned long rather than size_t.
  • In qsort.cpp change the definition of Qsort() so the second and third parameters are unsigned long rather than unsigned.

As a side note, the declaration and the definition of Qsort() didn't (necessarily) match in signature, and that's incorrect.

于 2010-12-27T08:25:50.093 回答

In qsort.cpp change the function decleration to:

 52 void __cdecl Qsort (
 53     void *base,
 54     unsigned long num,
 55     unsigned long width,
 56     int (__cdecl *comp)(const void *, const void *)
 57     )

So we just added long to numand widthvariables.

You will also have to fix simple problems like #include <strstream.h>-> #include <strsream>

于 2010-12-27T08:15:29.163 回答