qiime dada2 denoise-single \
--i-demultiplexed-seqs demux.qza \
--p-trim-left 0 \
--p-trunc-len 120 \
--o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-dada2.qza \
--o-table table-dada2.qza
Plugin error from dada2:
An error was encountered while running DADA2 in R (return code 1),
please inspect stdout and stderr to learn more.
Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-52fzrvlu.log.
Running external command line application(s). This may print messages
to stdout and/or stderr. The command(s) being run are below. These
commands cannot be manually re-run as they will depend on temporary
files that no longer exist.
Command: run_dada_single.R
/tmp/tmpda8dnyve/output.tsv.biom /tmp/tmpda8dnyve 120 0 2.0 2
consensus 1.0 1 1000000
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) Loading required package: Rcpp Error in
dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared
object '/home/cao/lib/R/library/rlang/libs/rlang.so':
/home/cao/lib/R/library/rlang/libs/rlang.so: undefined symbol:
R_ExternalPtrAddrFn In addition: Warning message: package ‘Rcpp’ was
built under R version 3.4.1 Error: package or namespace load failed
for ‘dada2’ Execution halted Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 126, in denoise_single
run_commands([cmd]) File "/home/cao/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.7/lib/python3.5/site-packages/q2_dada2/_denoise.py",
line 35, in run_commands
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True) File "/home/cao/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.7/lib/python3.5/subprocess.py",
line 398, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['run_dada_single.R',
'/tmp/tmpda8dnyve/output.tsv.biom', '/tmp/tmpda8dnyve', '120', '0',
'2.0', '2', 'consensus', '1.0', '1', '1000000']' returned non-zero
exit status 1
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 222, in __call__
results = action(**arguments) File "<decorator-gen-252>", line 2, in denoise_single File
line 201, in callable_wrapper
output_types, provenance) File "/home/cao/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.7/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qiime2/sdk/action.py",
line 334, in _callable_executor_
output_views = callable(**view_args) File "/home/cao/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.7/lib/python3.5/site-packages/q2_dada2/_denoise.py",
line 137, in denoise_single
" and stderr to learn more." % e.returncode) Exception: An error was encountered while running DADA2 in R (return code 1), please
inspect stdout and stderr to learn more.
然后我“sudo R”并安装了 Rcpp 和 rlang 包,但是当我运行与第一次相同的代码时仍然遇到相同的错误:
qiime dada2 denoise-single \ --i-demultiplexed-seqs demux.qza \ --p-trim-left 0 \ --p-trunc-len 120 \ --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-dada2.qza \ --o-table table-dada2.qza