我试图弄清楚为什么在移动设备上查看时我的小型静态网页没有正确显示(在 Chrome android 应用程序上注意到)。根据文档,这些列应该在移动设备上自动堆叠。但是,当我查看它时,我看到页面的正常视图,其宽度与屏幕正确匹配,但列保持在一行中。如下图所示。
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<strong>Remember:</strong> In order to continually receive updates, please install the GoodSamarit4n repository from
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A kodi program add-on for managing your github account. View repos, branches, notifications, Open/Close/Comment on issues, Merge/Deny pull requests, Get real-time notifications, And much more! The power of github combined with the simplicity of kodi.
Creator <a href="https://twitter.com/good_samarit4n">@goodsamarit4n</a>. <a>#kodi</a> <a>#github</a> <a>#program</a> <a>#add-on</a>
<small>8:00 PM - 24 Jul 2017</small>
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A kodi video add-on that provides cute, funny, and heartwarming animal videos from all over the internet. Skip the endless clicking around your favorite sites and let Squeee! bring all of those sites to you in an easy-to-digest fashion. Click through videos one at a time or play an entire playlist and just sit back and embrace the fluffy.
Creator <a href="https://twitter.com/good_samarit4n">@goodsamarit4n</a>. <a>#kodi</a> <a>#squeee</a> <a>#video</a> <a>#add-on</a> <a>#cute</a> <a>#animals</a>
<small>8:00 PM - 24 Jul 2017</small>
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<img src="https://pugdaddy.000webhostapp.com/images/illuminati.jpg" alt="Image">
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Alternative Facts
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Get ready to get beligerantly angry or find yourself continually muttering "What the f###?" under your breath. For those who enjoy seeing just how crazy some folks are. With documentaries on conspiracy theories gathered from all over the web. If you don't see a topic, feel free to tweet at me and I'll see about adding it for you.
Creator <a href="https://twitter.com/good_samarit4n">@goodsamarit4n</a>. <a>#kodi</a> <a>#alternativefacts</a> <a>#video</a> <a>#add-on</a> <a>#conspiracy</a> <a>#theories</a>
<small>8:00 PM - 24 Jul 2017</small>