我是 Scala 的新手,我正在编写我的第一个 Scalacheck 套件。

我的程序中有一个数据结构,它基本上看起来像 a (List[Double], List[Double]),只有当 的每个元素_1严格大于 的对应元素时,它才是格式正确的_2

由于它在实践中稍微复杂一些(尽管为了这个 MWE 的目的,我们可以假装它已经具备了一切),我已经为它编写了一个自定义生成器。

然后我添加了两个微不足道的测试(包括最微不足道的1 == 1测试),在这两种情况下,测试都失败了,并带有消息Gave up after only XX passed tests. YYY tests were discarded.



package com.foo.bar

import org.scalacheck._
import Prop._
import Arbitrary._

object FooSpecification extends Properties("FooIntervals") {

  type FooIntervals = (List[Double], List[Double])

  /* This is supposed to be a tuple of lists s.t. each element of _1
   *  is < the corresponding element of _2
   *  e.g. (List(1,3,5), List(2,4,6))

  implicit def arbInterval : Arbitrary[FooIntervals] =
    Arbitrary {
        * Yields a pair (low, high) s.t. low < high
      def GenPair : Gen[(Double, Double)] = for {
        low <- arbitrary[Double]
        high <- arbitrary[Double].suchThat(_ > low)
      } yield (low, high)

        * Yields (List(x_1,...,x_n), List(y_1,...,y_n))
        * where x_i < y_i forall i and 1 <= n < 20
      for {
        n <- Gen.choose(1,20)
        pairs : List[(Double, Double)] <- Gen.containerOfN[List, (Double, Double)](n, GenPair)
      } yield ((pairs.unzip._1, pairs.unzip._2))

  property("1 == 1") = forAll {
    (b1: FooIntervals)
    1 == 1

  property("_1.head < _2.head") = forAll {
    (b1: FooIntervals)
    b1._1.head < b1._2.head

[info] ! FooIntervals.1 == 1: Gave up after only 32 passed tests. 501 tests were discarded.
[info] ! FooIntervals._1.head < _2.head: Gave up after only 28 passed tests. 501 tests were discarded.
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 second, 519 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] No tests were executed.
[error] Failed: Total 1, Failed 1, Errors 0, Passed 0
[error] Failed tests:
[error]     com.foo.bar.FooSpecification

1 回答 1


arbitrary[Double].suchThat(_ > low)这是你的问题。 suchThat将丢弃条件为假的所有情况。您正在采用两个随机值并丢弃其中一个值大于另一个值的所有情况,这将是很多。您可以使用retryUntil代替suchThatwhich 将生成新值,直到满足条件而不是丢弃值,但是如果条件不太可能,这可能会花费很长时间甚至永远循环(想象一下,如果您得到一个非常高的值) for low,您可能会循环很长时间以获得大于它的高点,或者如果您不幸将最大可能的 double 值设置为低点,则可能会永远循环。

什么会起作用Gen.choose(low, Double.MaxValue),它将在low和之间选择一个值Double.MaxValue(最大可能的两倍)。


于 2017-07-25T13:33:55.860 回答