我正在使用 Kraken API,但我无法找到对我在响应中的信息的良好解释。


altname             = alternate pair name
aclass_base         = asset class of base component
base                = asset id of base component
aclass_quote        = asset class of quote component
quote               = asset id of quote component
lot                 = volume lot size
pair_decimals       = scaling decimal places for pair
lot_decimals        = scaling decimal places for volume
lot_multiplier      = amount to multiply lot volume by to get currency volume
leverage_buy        = array of leverage amounts available when buying
leverage_sell       = array of leverage amounts available when selling
fees                = fee schedule array in [volume, percent fee] tuples
fees_maker          = maker fee schedule array in [volume, percent fee] tuples (if on maker/taker)
fee_volume_currency = volume discount currency
margin_call         = margin call level
margin_stop         = stop-out/liquidation margin level


  1. lot_decimalspair_decimals:这些如何应用?我猜可能前者意味着第一种货币的数量可以用最多lot_decimals小数位表示,而后者意味着您可以用最多pair_decimals小数位表示对值。这合理吗?

  2. lot_multiplier:解释很清楚,但总是1。有什么理由吗?

  3. lot:这是您要以第二种货币计算的第一种货币的数量吗?示例:100 EURBTC,100 是手数?



1 回答 1


我从@Bruno Ripa 的问题中复制了这个:

我收到了来自 Kraken 的反馈。这是:

  1. lot_decimals是订单大小(交易量)的最大精度,以基础货币为单位。pair_decimals是价格精度
  2. lot_multiplier目前未使用
  3. lot: 货币对为 BTC/EUR,100 的交易量以 BTC 计价,BTC 是基础货币
于 2018-12-07T07:08:20.287 回答