I have an API Server (Resource server) and multiple apps, Web GUI (SPA) and a Desktop client and maybe more coming. I'd like to use openid-connect besides http basic authentication for my API Server. It should be configurable which openid provider to use. My own, facebook, google... I only want to do authentication, I do not need their API. I only need some profile data like email or firstname.

Let's say I have configured google as my IdP and I'm currently using my Web GUI (SPA). I need to login, no problem, according to https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect I redirect the user to google, get my authorization code and the Web Gui (SPA) gets an id_token and access_token from google.

No problem so far, but now the SPA has to work with my API Server and the API Server needs to authenticate every request (since it is a stateless rest api) coming from the Client (WebGui SPA) and needs to know which user actually did this.


So the access_token from google is meant to be used to access google api's right? But I also could just pass this access_token with every request to my api server and the api server calls https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?access_token=xxx to verify the access_token and get the account name (mail). But this doesn't sound right, does it?


I also have and id_token which I can verify without calling google server everytime. So could I also just pass the id_token as bearer with every request to my api server and the api server can verify the id_token? But according to openid-connect spec the access_token is actually the one which just get passed to the api server and the id_token must stay on the client. But then the id_token would be completely useless to me, the API server needs to know who the user is, the client (Web GUI) doesn't really care.


Or since it is my own API Server, does my API Server actually needs to implement the whole oauth2 system by itself, just not authentication but creating access_token and more. So I would have a /api/tokensign to which I can pass the id_token from google, the API verifies the id_token and creates an access_token for my WebGUI (SPA). And this new access_token can be passed as bearer to every api request. This actually sounds as the best solution according to specs, but do I really need to implement oauth2 by myself into my API? Sounds like a heavy addition since A and B could also be implemented.

My rest-api needs authentication with every request so is A, B, C the right approach? Please don't tell me this is opinion based, it is not. What is the right way using oauth2/openid-connect for authentication?


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场景- 两个系统S1 , S2

  • S1 - 身份提供者
  • S2 - API 端点

您需要什么- 信任并使用S1发布的“令牌”来访问S2

对建议的解决方案A , BC的解释

A - 验证 S1 为每次调用发出的令牌

这可以使用RFC7662 - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection 端点来完成。此验证对规范有效,因此是的,您可以使用令牌验证端点。

这种方法的优点是,如果一个令牌被撤销,效果是即时的。下一个 API 调用将失败。但确实对性能有影响。您需要额外的验证服务电话。

请注意,您不需要从此验证响应中获取帐户名称。它可以从 ID 令牌中获取,并可用于验证以提供额外保护。

B - S1 为每次通话发行的信任代币

现在这种方法是从 RFC6750 扩展而来的——OAuth 2.0 授权框架:承载令牌使用。您确实可以使用 ID 令牌对最终用户进行身份验证和授权。此链接包含有关将 ID 令牌用作不记名令牌的良好说明。

您确实可以使用 MAC 甚至加密来验证令牌的有效性。但请注意使用短期令牌并始终使用 TLS。并注意刷新令牌。!因为根据 openID 连接规范,ID 令牌不是刷新令牌请求的强制项。

C - 联邦的包装器

为此,您可以编写自己的解决方案或使用现有解决方案(例如:- WSO2身份服务器)。此身份服务器将配置为在您的应用程序(如桌面应用程序或 Web 应用程序的客户端)上选择身份提供程序。身份服务器将执行必要的重定向并为您提供所需的令牌。但实际上,您将需要使用自省端点来验证令牌的有效性。

如果您比此解决方案领先一步,您可以尝试实现代码交换机制。您可以将令牌携带从外部交换为由您的系统之一内部发布的令牌(例如:- Google 访问令牌到您的内部访问令牌)。这种方法的优点是您可以控制验证。此外,由于后续令牌验证是在内部完成的,因此应该会提高性能。


于 2017-07-22T04:55:42.807 回答