我正在尝试通过蓝牙将我的新 Bose qc35 与我的 Ubuntu 16.04 机器配对。我尝试了这个答案,但没有奏效。
当我进入 bluetoothctl 时,我可以找到耳机,但是当我尝试配对时,出现以下错误:
[bluetooth]# pair 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71
Attempting to pair with 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71 Connected: yes
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71 Connected: no
我已按照上述答案中的建议将蓝牙服务设置为使用 bredr。
[bluetooth]# trust 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71 Trusted: yes
Changing 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71 trust succeeded
[bluetooth]# pair 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71
Attempting to pair with 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71 Connected: yes
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:C5:2A:71 Connected: no
帮助 :(