using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Demo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string test = "ABCDEF"; // Strings are immutable, right?
char[] chars = new StringToChar{str=test}.chr;
chars[0] = 'X';
// On an x32 release or debug build or on an x64 debug build,
// the following prints "XBCDEF".
// On an x64 release build, it prints "ABXDEF".
// In both cases, we have changed the contents of 'test' without using
// any 'unsafe' code...
public struct StringToChar
public string str;
public char[] chr;
[EDIT1:请注意,其他人已经为我尝试过,有些人得到了不同的结果 - 考虑到我正在做的事情的讨厌,这并不太令人惊讶......;)]
[EDIT2:请注意,我在 Windows 7 Ultimate 64 位上使用 Visual Studio 2010]
[EDIT3:将测试字符串设为 const,只是为了让它更加狡猾!]