几天来,我一直在研究以下问题,对此我感到有些不安。所以我有一个项目文件https://github.com/PCmex/lift-side-memu-in-swift-3并且我成功地用它启动了 Cocoapod。我遵循了整个 admob 教程并完成了所有必需的步骤。当我尝试测试应用程序时,构建是好的,但在应用程序启动后它崩溃并给我以下信息:
错误消息的屏幕截图:线程 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION
该日志为我提供了以下信息:Google Mobile Ads SDK version:(GADRequest.sdkVersion()) 致命错误:unwrapping an Optional value (lldb) 时意外发现 nil
这是应用程序 delegate.swift
import UIKit
import GoogleMobileAds
import Firebase
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
//Use Firebase library to configure APIs
GADMobileAds.configure(withApplicationID: "ca-app-pub-***")
return true
func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game.
func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
// If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
这是 ViewController.swift
import UIKit
import GoogleMobileAds
import Firebase
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var btnMenuButton: UIBarButtonItem!
@IBOutlet weak var bannerView: GADBannerView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Aanroepen print functie voor de Google AdMob banner
print("Google Mobile Ads SDK version:(GADRequest.sdkVersion())")
bannerView.adUnitID = "ca-app-pub-***"
bannerView.rootViewController = self
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
if revealViewController() != nil {
// revealViewController().rearViewRevealWidth = 62
btnMenuButton.target = revealViewController()
btnMenuButton.action = #selector(SWRevealViewController.revealToggle(_:))
// revealViewController().rightViewRevealWidth = 150
// extraButton.target = revealViewController()
// extraButton.action = "rightRevealToggle:"
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
我很确定我一直在正确安装 cocoa-pod / AdMob 和所有先决条件。当我在一个新项目中完成所有步骤时,一切正常。但我试图理解为什么它在我当前的项目中不起作用。希望有人能指出我正确的方向,在此先感谢!