What is OOL (Out of line) code? I've found it in ION compiler but can't understand what is going on.
bool CodeGeneratorShared::generateOutOfLineCode() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < outOfLineCode_.length(); i++) {
// Add native => bytecode mapping entries for OOL sites.
// Not enabled on asm.js yet since asm doesn't contain bytecode mappings.
if (!gen->compilingAsmJS()) {
if (!addNativeToBytecodeEntry(outOfLineCode_[i]->bytecodeSite()))
return false;
if (!gen->alloc().ensureBallast())
return false;
JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "# Emitting out of line code");
lastPC_ = outOfLineCode_[i]->pc();
return !masm.oom();
I've tried to use google to found information about it, but didn't have a success. Maybe you can give me some idea what it is? Thank you :)