We have an exe that we would like to wrap in an MSI so that it can be deployed via GPO. One caveat is that it is highly preferred that the generated installer does not require user interaction (i.e. no final checkbox to launch the exe after install). For clarity, I'm doing this from OSX using the following Docker Container: https://github.com/suchja/wix-toolset

I have the following .wxs: https://pastebin.com/AeMfTzvd

I'm running the following commands: wix/candle.exe app/config.wxs wix/light.exe -sval -v -ext WixUtilExtension Mark43CAD.wixobj

Everything seems to compile correctly, but when I attempt to run the msi on a Windows machine I am getting the following error:

enter image description here

I can't seem to find anything useful when I tail the logs during the installation? Is there a simpler way to configure wix to allow me to deploy this exe as an msi?

Thanks so much for your help!


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