I am working with biometric device (attendance device) with the sdk support zkemkeeper.dll

I fetch the attendance from ZKTeco biometric device sucessfully, but when i am trying to block user, the code executes successfully, but the user is able to authenticate in the biometric machine and the door opens.

i tried the following codes to block a user as mentioned in the sdk manual but user is not blocked in the device.

 EnableUser = objZkeeper.EnableUser(dwMachineNumber, did, dwEMachineNumber, dwBackupNumber, false);

another code used

EnableUser = objZkeeper.SSR_EnableUser(dwMachineNumber, did, false);

both codes executes with out any error but user is still enabled. please help me on this.


2 回答 2


检查返回值是真还是假。如果为 false,则您的扫描仪很可能不支持启用/禁用用户。

如果你是真的,请阅读 objZkeeper.GetLastError([out])。大多数情况下,您会得到一些错误代码,如下所示:

  • -10 传输的数据长度不正确
  • -5 数据已经存在
  • -4 空间不够
  • -3 错误大小
  • -2 文件读/写错误
  • -1 SDK未初始化,需要重新连接
  • 0 未找到数据或数据重复
  • 1 操作正确
  • 4 参数不正确
  • 101 分配缓冲区时出错
于 2018-09-22T04:31:18.613 回答
     bool bIsConnected = objZkeeper.Connect_Net(locationIP, iPortNo); 
     bool ex= objZkeeper.RegEvent(1, 4);
     EnableUser = objZkeeper.SSR_EnableUser(dwMachineNumber, did, false);

     bool prm=objZkeeper( dwMachineNumber,  LONG EventMask);
     EventMask: Code of an event. 
     Values are as follows:
    1 OnAttTransaction, OnAttTransactionEx
    2 (1<<1) OnFinger
    4 (1<<2)OnNewUser
    8 (1<<3) OnEnrollFinger
    16 (1<<4) OnKeyPress
    256 (1<<7)OnVerify
    512 (1<<8)OnFingerFeature
    1024 (1<<9)OnDoor, OnAlarm
    2048 (1<<10)OnHIDNum
    4096 (1<<11)OnWriteCard
    8192 (1<<12)OnEmptyCard
    16384 (1<<13)OnDeleteTemplate

Masks are the controls that enable you to perform operations. You need to use them in the method
于 2018-03-30T07:15:40.147 回答