我想打印一个字符串,并且正在使用 NASM Assembly、Bochs 来运行程序,并且有两个简单的文件。我正在制作一个非常简单的引导扇区来开始学习汇编。我正在尝试自学,并且正在使用此 PDF: https ://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exr/lectures/opsys/10_11/lectures/os-dev.pdf 我正在尝试创建自己的字符串打印功能。
; Question 4
; Put together all of the ideas in this section to make a self-contained function for printing
; null-terminated strings, that can be used as follows:
; A boot sector that prints a string using our function.
[org 0x7c00] ; Tell the assembler where this code will be loaded
mov bx, HELLO_MSG ; Use BX as a parameter to our function , so
call print_string ; we can specify the address of a string.
call print_string
jmp $ ; Hang
%include "print_string.asm"
; Data
db ’Hello , World!’, 0 ; <-- The zero on the end tells our routine
; when to stop printing characters.
db ’Goodbye!’, 0
; Padding and magic number.
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
; For good marks, make sure the function is careful when modifying registers and that
; you fully comment the code to demonstrate your understanding.
org 0x7c00 ; Start at boot sector. Allows us to add offset for labels efficiently
mov bx, loading_sys_msg
call str_out
;jmp calltest
jmp $ ; Jump forever. Because end of program lol
; Includes
%include "str_out.asm"
; Database Resources
db 'Loading OIK v0.0.1', 0
; Padding and magic BIOS number.
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
; String-printing function
pop bx
;add bx, 0x7c00 ; Adds current address if boot sect and no org called (not used)
mov ah, 0x0e ; BIOS teletyping for 0x10 interrupt
mov ax, 0x00 ;prep counter
mov al, [bx] ; character to print placed in al (bx address contents)
prnt: ; printing loop
int 0x10 ; interrupt print
add ax, 0x01 ; add to counter for removal afterwards
add bx, 0x01 ; move bx address forward by 1
mov al, [bx] ; character to print placed in al (bx address contents)
cmp al, 0 ; Compare [al -?- 0]
jg prnt ; If greater, jump to print
sub bx, ax ;remove the counter amount
;sub bx, 0x7c00 ;remove address addition if used earlier (not used)
push bx
# Tell bochs to use our boot sector code as though it were
# a floppy disk inserted into a computer at boot time.
floppya: 1_44=boot_sect.bin, status=inserted
boot: a
当 Bochs 启动时,屏幕清除,没有任何反应。我究竟做错了什么?
(感谢 Jester 告诉我我没有说明问题。我还是 Stack Overflow 的新手。)