无论如何,是否可以使用 PHPExcel 一次为所有工作表设置相同的属性(颜色、行高、对齐方式)和内容(听到名称)?如何?
// Create a new PHPExcel object with a single sheet
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
// Set any styles here against the currently active sheet in $objPHPExcel
// Get the current sheet with all its newly-set style properties
$objWorkSheetBase = $objPHPExcel->getSheet();
// Create a clone of the current sheet, with all its style properties
$objWorkSheet1 = clone $objWorkSheetBase;
// Set the newly-cloned sheet title
$objWorkSheet1->setTitle('Cloned Sheet');
// Attach the newly-cloned sheet to the $objPHPExcel workbook