// draw the box
draw_set_alpha( .5 );
draw_roundrect_color( x, y, x+width, y+height, c_black, c_black, false );
draw_set_alpha( 1 );
// set the color to white
draw_set_color( c_white );
// line break
if ( string_width( str ) > width-padding-padding ) {
// remove the space and replace with line break
message = string_delete ( message, last_space, 1 );
message = string_insert ( "#", message, last_space );
ds_list_add( start, last_space+1 );
// make sure we didnt reach the end of the message
if ( count < string_length( message ) )
// are we at space, set last_space variable
if ( string_char_at( message, count ) == " " ) {
last_space = count;
// increment count
count ++;
// did we go past the bottom? move up a line
if ( string_height( str ) > height-padding ) {
line ++;
// grab the string
str = string_copy( message, ds_list_find_value( start, line ), count-ds_list_find_value( start, line ) );