I just would like to check my understanding.

In Bitcoin platform, the miner who does the following: - verify each unconfirmed transaction. - group them in a block - hash the block and find the nonce ( proof of work )

Now, in Ethereum platform, who is the minor ? does the node which call a function in the smart contract can be called ( minor ) ??

If yes, what is the name of parties who call a smart contract function to follow the contract ??

Now I have coded a smart contract to set the prices between parties, each party has to call the function in the smart contract with goods amounts and the contract will calculate the settlement.

Each party has to pay gas to execute this call. Who will get this fees, EVM ( as a fees of call execution ) ???

and does the gas amount changes based on the amount of data in the call ( as a parameter ) or on the code complexity??



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  • 比特币的未成年人是以太坊的验证者。验证者被随机分配提出区块的权利。


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于 2017-07-13T17:08:48.080 回答