我正在使用 C# 插件的 v6.1 运行 SonarQube 服务器 v6.4。我们在 TFS 2015(更新 3)实例中安装了v3.0.0 的SonarQube TFS 扩展。

我在使用 SonarQube 扫描 .cs 文件时遇到问题。一些构建步骤的输出中有一些警告,我不完全确定要做什么。我无法在消息中找到太多信息。

Visual Studio 构建步骤输出:

          Skipping FxCop analysis: the SonarQube ruleset does not exist. Ruleset: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\conf\\SonarQubeFxCop-cs.ruleset

用于 MSBuild 的 SonarQube 扫描仪 - 结束分析(新)步骤输出:


SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 3.0 
Default properties file was found at C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\tasks\SonarQubeScannerMsBuildBegin\3.0.0\SonarQubeScannerMsBuild\SonarQube.Analysis.xml 
Loading analysis properties from C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\tasks\SonarQubeScannerMsBuildBegin\3.0.0\SonarQubeScannerMsBuild\SonarQube.Analysis.xml 
Post-processing started. 
17:58:54.965  17:58:54.965  WARNING: Failed to find the code coverage command line tool. Possible cause: Visual Studio is not installed, or the installed version does not support code coverage. 
WARNING: File is not under the project directory and cannot currently be analysed by SonarQube. File: C:\Users\TFS2015Build\AppData\Local\Temp\.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2.SqlClrAttributes.cs, project: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\s\FunProject.Db\FunProject.Db.sqlproj
SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS is not configured. Setting it to the default value of -Xmx1024m 
Calling the SonarQube Scanner... 
INFO: Scanner configuration file: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\tasks\SonarQubeScannerMsBuildBegin\3.0.0\SonarQubeScannerMsBuild\sonar-scanner-\bin\..\conf\sonar-scanner.properties 
INFO: Project root configuration file: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\sonar-project.properties 
INFO: SonarQube Scanner 
INFO: Java 1.8.0_121 Oracle Corporation (64-bit) 
INFO: Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3 amd64  
INFO: User cache: C:\Users\TFS2015Build\.sonar\cache 
INFO: Load global settings 
INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=125ms 
INFO: User cache: C:\Users\TFS2015Build\.sonar\cache 
INFO: Load plugins index 
INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=0ms 
INFO: Download sonar-csharp-plugin- 
INFO: Download sonar-python-plugin- 
INFO: Download sonar-java-plugin- 
INFO: Download sonar-flex-plugin-2.3.jar 
INFO: Download sonar-scm-git-plugin-1.2.jar 
INFO: Download sonar-xml-plugin- 
INFO: Download sonar-php-plugin- 
INFO: Download sonar-scm-svn-plugin- 
INFO: Download sonar-javascript-plugin- 
INFO: SonarQube server 6.4.0 
INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "windows-1252" (analysis is platform dependent) 
INFO: Process project properties 
INFO: Load project repositories 
INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=141ms 
INFO: Load quality profiles 
INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=47ms 
INFO: Load active rules 
INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=281ms 
INFO: Load metrics repository 
INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=78ms 
INFO: Publish mode


 INFO: -------------  Scan FunProject.Shared 
 INFO: Load server rules 
 INFO: Load server rules (done) | time=156ms 
 INFO: Initializer GenericCoverageSensor 
 INFO: Initializer GenericCoverageSensor (done) | time=0ms 
 INFO: Base dir: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\s\FunProject.Shared 
 INFO: Working dir: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\mod13 
 INFO: Source paths: FunProjectFolder1/FunProjectClassFile1.cs, FunProjectFolder2/FunProjectClassFile2.cs, ... Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs, packages.config 
 INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US 
 INFO: Index files 
 INFO: Analyzer working directory does not exist 
 INFO: 12 files indexed 
 INFO: Quality profile for cs: Sonar way 
 INFO: Sensor C# [csharp] 
 INFO: Importing analysis results from C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\FunProject.Shared_3389\output-cs 
 WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\FunProject.Shared_3389\output-cs\encoding.pb 
 INFO: Importing Roslyn report 
 WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\FunProject.Shared_3389\output-cs\metrics.pb 
 WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\FunProject.Shared_3389\output-cs\token-type.pb 
 WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\FunProject.Shared_3389\output-cs\symrefs.pb 
 WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: C:\BuildAgents\Agent-01\_work\111\.sonarqube\out\FunProject.Shared_3389\output-cs\token-cpd.pb 
 INFO: Sensor C# [csharp] (done) | time=78ms 
 INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] 
 INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] (done) | time=0ms 
 INFO: Sensor Analyzer for "php.ini" files [php] 
 INFO: Sensor Analyzer for "php.ini" files [php] (done) | time=0ms



我正在使用 Visual Studio Professional,因此有关代码覆盖率的警告是由于我没有在构建服务器上安装 Visual Studio Enterprise 造成的。


2 回答 2


我将 C# 插件从 6.1(内部版本 2359)降级到 5.11(内部版本 1721),问题就消失了。该版本一定存在导致问题的问题。

于 2017-07-17T11:40:18.017 回答



SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"org.sonarqube:sonarqube-scanner-msbuild" /n:"Project Name" /v:"1.0"
MSBuild.exe /t:Rebuild
SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe end



警告:找不到代码覆盖命令行工具。可能原因:没有安装Visual Studio,或者安装的版本不支持代码覆盖。

在您的构建代理上仔细检查您的 VS 版本。注意:您需要 Visual Studio Enterprise 版本的代码覆盖率。查看此页面并展开“测试工具”部分。代码覆盖率仅针对企业版列出。


于 2017-07-13T09:48:19.660 回答