我有在 IBM Bluemix DEA 运行时上运行的现有 node.js 应用程序。我已经尝试将它迁移到 Diego,迁移过程完成,没有任何错误。但是当我尝试应用程序路由时,我收到“502 Bad Gateway:Registered endpoint failed to handle the request”。错误。使用“迁移到 Diego”按钮完成迁移。


7/12/2017 8:59:28 AM    OUT STG Staging complete
7/12/2017 8:59:28 AM    OUT STG Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
7/12/2017 8:59:28 AM    OUT STG Uploading build artifacts cache...
7/12/2017 8:59:28 AM    OUT STG Uploading droplet...
7/12/2017 8:59:29 AM    OUT STG Uploaded build artifacts cache (18.2M)
7/12/2017 8:59:34 AM    OUT STG Uploaded droplet (38M)
7/12/2017 8:59:34 AM    OUT STG Uploading complete
7/12/2017 8:59:34 AM    OUT STG Destroying container
7/12/2017 8:59:34 AM    OUT CELL    Creating container
7/12/2017 8:59:35 AM    OUT CELL    Successfully created container
7/12/2017 8:59:37 AM    OUT STG Successfully destroyed container
7/12/2017 8:59:40 AM    OUT APP > MyReactApp@1.0.0 start /home/vcap/app
7/12/2017 8:59:40 AM    OUT APP > node index.js
7/12/2017 8:59:40 AM    OUT APP Example app listening at http://:::3001
7/12/2017 9:00:08 AM    OUT RTR myreactapp.w3ibm.mybluemix.net - [12/07/2017:09:00:08.768 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 0 67 "https://console.w3ibm.bluemix.net/dashboard/apps" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0" x_forwarded_for:"" x_forwarded_proto:"https" vcap_request_id:30f4de63-8ac9-4502-6d43-eb1eec7e1e02 response_time:0.003236115 app_id:4c4861e7-7ad1-4d1d-a838-b64d0e47408d x_global_transaction_id:"2500071025"

1 回答 1


OUT APP Example app listening at http://:::3001

检查您的应用是否正在侦听正确的主机和端口。应该是0.0.0.0和Cloud Foundry通过PORT环境变量分配的端口(可能是8080)。

Diego 没有设置deprecatedVCAP_APP_HOSTVCAP_APP_PORTenvironment 变量。

于 2017-07-12T13:52:01.503 回答