I just upgraded to IE9 to do cross browser compatibility testing of my site, which uses Raphael.js. I know my site and its Raphael.js graphics work in IE8 proper using VML, but for some reason, when I set IE9 to have IE8 Browser Mode/Document Mode, Raphael.js tries to use SVG instead of VML. This doesn't happen when I set IE9 to IE7 Browser Mode/Document Mode; that is, Rapahel.js uses VML. Why does IE9 think that IE8 supported SVG?


1 回答 1


我对 Raphaël 一无所知,但我知道 IE9 错误地报告了它的 JScript 版本。无论您将浏览器模式/文档模式设置为哪个版本,@_jscript_version 都会返回 9。如果 Raphaël 根据 @_jscript_version 决定使用 VML 还是 SVG,则可能会造成麻烦。

于 2010-12-22T01:55:10.170 回答