\node[align=center, draw=noteBorderColor,fill=noteBackgroundColor,
rectangle callout, anchor=pointer,
callout relative pointer={(#2)},#1] {#3};
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,node distance =8mm,
every text node part/.style={align=left},
start chain = going below,
base/.style = {draw, rounded corners,
minimum width=20mm, minimum height=4mm,
inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm,
box/.style = {base, on chain, join=by {->}},
start/.style = {box,minimum size=2mm,circle,fill=black},
end/.style = {box,circle, on chain},
decision/.style = {box, diamond, aspect=1,
rounded corners=0pt, minimum size=2mm}
\node[start] (A) {};
\node[box] (B) {clone repository};
\ann[right=9mm of B]{182:8mm}{git clone url/to/repository \\scp -p url/to/hooks/commit\_msg repository/.git/hooks};
\node[box] (C) {coding};
\node[box] (D) {commit locally};
\ann[right=9mm of D]{182:8mm}{git add xxx \\ git commit};
\node[box] (E) {review};
\ann[right=9mm of E]{182:8mm}{git push origin refs/for/branch};
\node[decision] (F) {};
{[start branch]
\node[box,left=2cm of F] (G) {rework};
\node[box,on chain=going above] (H) {recommit};
\ann[above=5mm of H]{270:4mm}{git add xxx \\ git commit --amend};
{[start branch]
\node[box,right=6cm of F] (I) {submit};
\ann[below=5mm of I]{90:4mm}{click "submit" on corresponding gerrit page};
\node[base] (J) at (I |- C) {update local repository};
\ann[right=9mm of J]{182:8mm}{git pull --rebase};
\draw[->] (H) -- (E);
\draw[->] (F) -- (I);
\draw[->] (J) --node [above] {get another task(new cycle)} (C);
\draw[red,->] (I) edge (J) (J) to (C);