我正在用 C# 编写最初用 Delphi 编写的下一代旧应用程序。我经常不得不查看旧代码并想知道是否有在 Visual Studio 2008 编辑器中安装 Pascal 语法突出显示的方法。
我正在用 C# 编写最初用 Delphi 编写的下一代旧应用程序。我经常不得不查看旧代码并想知道是否有在 Visual Studio 2008 编辑器中安装 Pascal 语法突出显示的方法。
http://blog.cumps.be/visual-studio-2008-and-php-coloring/ - 也许这可以从 PHP 调整为 delphi/pascal
http://www.codeplex.com/Delphi4VisualStudio - 这(有一天)将支持语法突出显示(但它似乎也有点矫枉过正)
I know the guy working on Delphi4VisualStudio. The project doesn't seem to be active any more, but I know he had syntax highlighting working in the editor. You could always ask him for just that piece.
I could do it in about 1-2 day's work, but I'm busy trying to make ends meet (seriously). Let me know if you want me to do it.
Prior work (showing [almost] only the syntax highlighting):
Edit: Don't mark me down if this isn't allowed - just let me know. I'd seriously do it for free if I had any spare time at all, I just don't right now.
我不是专家,但您可能想看看Delphi Prism,它似乎将 Delphi 编译器结合到 Visual Studio 中。然而,这可能是矫枉过正。