我一直在玩 RcppParallel 并编写了一个相当简单的示例来弄清楚事情是如何工作的。代码如下所示。
函数float pdf(double x, double sigma)计算均值为 0 和标准差为 sigma 的高斯分布的缩放版本。
Struct_1 是一个结构,它创建一个工作人员来执行一些计算。我填充了一个矩阵来找出为什么某些事情不能正常工作。
void Struct_check()执行计算。
该功能似乎有效,但时不时地无法按预期工作。我认为这与用于在函数 pdf 中执行计算的类型有关!
#include <RcppParallel.h>
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <RcppArmadilloExtensions/sample.h>
#include <math.h>
#define pi 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
using namespace arma;
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace R;
using namespace sugar;
using namespace std;
using namespace RcppParallel;
// Enable C++11 via this plugin (Rcpp 0.10.3 or later)
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppParallel)]]
// Returns the probability of x, given the distribution described by mu and sigma.
float pdf(double x, double sigma)
return exp( -1 * x * x / (2 * sigma * sigma)) / sigma;
struct Struct_1 : public Worker
arma::vec wr;
arma::vec sr;
NumericVector w2;
// source matrix
const RVector<double> input;
// destination matrix
RMatrix<double> output;
// initialize with source and destination
Struct_1(const NumericMatrix input, NumericMatrix output)
: input(input), output(output) {}
//what is done.
void operator()(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end) {
for (std::size_t i=begin; i<end; i++){ //the processor loop!
NumericVector w2(3);
for (int comp_j=0; comp_j<3; ++comp_j){
w2(comp_j) = wr(comp_j) * pdf( input[i], sr(comp_j) ) ;
double sw1 = sum(w2);
output(i,0) = w2(0);
output(i,1) = w2(1);
output(i,2) = w2(2);
output(i,3) = sw1;
w2 = w2/sw1;
output(i,4) = w2(0);
output(i,5) = w2(1);
output(i,6) = w2(2);
double sw2 = sum(w2);
output(i,7) = sw2;
}//end of i loop
}//end of operator
// [[Rcpp::depends("RcppArmadillo")]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void Struct_check(){
//Some vecs defined
arma::vec wr = {0.2522, 0.58523, 0.16257};
arma::vec s2r = {1.2131, 2.9955, 7.5458};
arma::vec sr = sqrt(s2r);
//an arma mat that will be used in the struct
arma::mat arb_mat;
NumericMatrix r_i_x_NM = as<NumericMatrix>(wrap( arb_mat )); //convert to NumericMatrix
NumericMatrix output( r_i_x_NM.nrow() , 8 ); //define the output matrix
Struct_1 struct_1( r_i_x_NM , output);
struct_1.wr = wr;
struct_1.sr = sr;
Rcout<<"nrow output = "<<output.nrow()<<endl;
Rcout<<"ncol output = "<<output.ncol()<<endl;
parallelFor(0, r_i_x_NM.length(), struct_1);
Rcout<<"completed Parallell calculations"<<endl;
Rcout<<"output = \n"<<output<<endl;
从 Rstudio 内部运行。如果有问题,我正在运行 OS X El Capitan。
nrow output = 20
ncol output = 8
completed Parallell calculations
output =
0.210336 0.326704 0.0583792 0.595419 0.353256 0.548696 0.0980473 1.00000
0.176872 0.304564 0.0567753 0.538211 0.328629 0.565882 0.105489 1.00000
0.222778 0.334398 0.0589211 0.616097 0.361596 0.542768 0.0956361 1.00000
0.0805904 0.221529 0.0500356 0.352155 0.228849 0.629067 0.142084 1.00000
0.216296 0.330423 0.0586421 0.605361 0.357301 0.545827 0.0968712 1.00000
0.211018 0.327133 0.0584096 0.596561 0.353724 0.548365 0.0979106 1.00000
0.227556 0.337284 0.0591224 0.623962 0.364695 0.540551 0.0947533 1.00000
0.0937487 0.235521 0.0512670 0.380537 0.246359 0.618918 0.134723 1.00000
0.228979 0.338136 0.0591817 0.626297 0.365608 0.539897 0.0944947 1.00000
0.0136216 0.107837 0.0375975 0.159056 0.0856401 0.677981 0.236379 1.00000
0.207911 0.325174 0.0582705 0.591355 0.351584 0.549879 0.0985372 1.00000
0.115751 0.256513 0.0530344 0.425298 0.272164 0.603137 0.124699 1.00000
0.0405607 0.167755 0.0448066 0.253123 0.160241 0.662743 0.177015 1.00000
0.0799309 0.220793 0.0499695 0.350694 0.227922 0.629590 0.142488 1.00000
0.181248 0.307594 0.0569989 0.545841 0.332053 0.563523 0.104424 1.00000
0.183689 0.309265 0.0571216 0.550075 0.333934 0.562222 0.103843 1.00000
**0.228941 0.338113 0.0591801 0.618557 0.591026 0.872861 0.152777 1.61666**
0.228941 0.338113 0.0591801 0.626234 0.365583 0.539915 0.0945016 1.61666
0.211153 0.327218 0.0584156 0.596786 0.353816 0.548300 0.0978837 1.00000
0.228932 0.338108 0.0591798 0.626220 0.365578 0.539919 0.0945032 1.00000
当评估-1.4482以生成以下行0.228941 0.338113 0.0591801 0.618557 0.591026 0.872861 0.152777 1.61666 时会发生错误
在 R 检查中我得到:
wr <- c(0.2522, 0.58523, 0.16257)
s2r <- c(1.2131, 2.9955, 7.5458)
sr <- sqrt(s2r)
for (i in 1:3){
w[i] = wr[i]*exp( -0.5*((-1.4482/sr[i])^ 2))/(sr[i])
[1] 0.09646706 0.23826346 0.05150315
[1] 0.3862337
w = w/sum(w)
[1] 0.2497635 0.6168894 0.1333471