我正在为 WordPress 后端 (REST) 使用 React 和 Redux(带有 promise 中间件和 thunk)构建前端。

现在我正在使用 Redux 进行简单的调度以获取页面数据,例如:

export const fetchPostBySlug = (slug) => {
  return {
    type: "FETCH_MODULES",
    payload: axios.get(`${REST_URL}/wp/v2/posts?slug=${slug}`)

现在我想做一个更复杂的调用。我想从 WordPress 中获取所有标签并返回这些标签。然后我获取所有特色标签。然后我获取所有具有特色标签的帖子。然后我获取所有具有特色标签的自定义帖子类型。


payload: {
  id: 5,
  name: 'tag_5',
  slug: '/tag_5',
  tags: [all tags]
  posts: [all posts and cpt having a featured tag in here together]

这就是我现在所拥有的,它 fetches 基本上会获取所有内容,但还没有连接和分派。

const fetchTagPosts = () => {
  axios.all([fetchAllTags(), fetchFeaturedTopics()])
    .then(axios.spread((all, featured) => {
      let payload = {}
      const ft = featured.data.featured_tags
      const ft_length = ft.length

      ft.map((x, i) => {
        getPostsByTag(x.term_id).then(y => payload = addPostToPayload(y.data, x.term_id, payload))
        getCPTByTag(x.term_id).then(y => payload = addPostToPayload(y.data, x.term_id, payload))
        // I need to check here if both are loaded, so I can concat the arrays
        if (ft_length === i + 1) {
          // I need to dispatch/return the payload here

const addPostToPayload = (p, id, payload) => {
  return {
    [id]: {
      posts: payload[id] ? payload[id].posts.concat(p) : p

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由于您使用的是 thunk,因此您可以返回一个接受调度的函数并使用该调度将有效负载发送到减速器。

您也不需要 map 函数中的 if 语句,因为 map 不会遍历数组。事实上,在这种情况下使用 forEach 会更合适,因为我们没有返回任何东西。

所以你的 fetchTagPosts 看起来像下面这样:

const fetchTagPosts = (dispatch) => {
  axios.all([fetchAllTags(), fetchFeaturedTopics()])
    .then(axios.spread((all, featured) => {
      let payload = {}
      const ft = featured.data.featured_tags
      // loop through ft
      ft.forEach(x => {
        getPostsByTag(x.term_id).then(y => payload = addPostToPayload(y.data, x.term_id, payload))
        getCPTByTag(x.term_id).then(y => payload = addPostToPayload(y.data, x.term_id, payload))
      // dispatch payload to reducer
        type: 'FETCH_TAG_POSTS',

于 2017-07-11T03:18:23.897 回答