I need to create a global filter for my db context. The filter should show only objects with the same companyId as the current user.
Right now, I am passing companyId like so:
public MyDB(int companyId) : base("name=DefaultConnection")
this.Filter<BaseModel>(q => q.Where(x => (x.CompanyId == companyId || x.IsGlobal==true) && x.IsDeleted == false));
But, It doesn't work well with lazy loading(virtual properties). So, I need to implement a global filter and I have no idea where to start and how to pass the companyId variable into it.
Here is my ApplicationUser
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public int CompanyId { get; set; }
CompanyId is equal to current's user CompanyId. Each user could belong to one company. So, companyId won't change while a user logged in.
Thank you for all your help