if(check.iSerialNumber == '3')
iSerialNumber不是实际的序列号,而只是存储在设备中的序列号字符串描述符的索引。您可以在此链接上查看有关 USB 设备描述符的更多详细信息。USB 设备不使用GUID,但操作系统本身可以使用 GUID,如此处所述。序列号在此处提到的每个非电话 Android 设备中都是唯一的,因此不建议使用序列号将设备标记为 Android。我发现的最好方法是检查设备供应商 ID 和产品 ID,它们分别存储在设备描述符中,分别为idVendor和idProduct。我找到了供应商 ID 列表,但没有找到每个供应商的产品 ID 列表。
Android 设备公开了几个用于不同目的的接口,如 MTP、PTP、Mass Storage 和 USB 调试等。我们想找出具有接口类 255、接口子类 66和接口协议 1的 USB 调试接口的状态。我在这里找到了这些数字。
程序首先测试新连接的设备是否为 Android,如果是 Android,则检查 USB 调试。我不是普通的 node.js 用户,所以我的代码不好。
var usb = require('usb');
usb.on('attach', function(device) {
getDeviceInformation(device, function onInfromation(error, information)
if (error)
console.log("Unable to get Device information");
if (isAndroidDevice(information))
if (!isDebuggingEnabled(device))
console.log("Please enable USB Debugging from Developer Options in Phone Settings");
//Do your thing here
console.log("Device connected with Debugging enabled");
console.log("Device Information");
function getDeviceInformation(device, callback)
var deviceDescriptor = device.deviceDescriptor;
var productStringIndex = deviceDescriptor.iProduct;
var manufacturerStringIndex = deviceDescriptor.iManufacturer;
var serialNumberIndex = deviceDescriptor.iSerialNumber;
var callbacks = 3;
var resultError = false;
var productString = null;
var manufacturerString = null;
var serialNumberString = null;
device.getStringDescriptor(productStringIndex, function callback(error, data)
if (error)resultError = true;
else productString = data;
if (--callbacks == 0)onFinish();
device.getStringDescriptor(manufacturerStringIndex, function callback(error, data)
if (error)resultError = true;
else manufacturerString = data;
if (--callbacks == 0)onFinish();
device.getStringDescriptor(serialNumberIndex, function callback(error, data)
if (error)resultError = true;
else serialNumberString = data;
if (--callbacks == 0)onFinish();
function onFinish()
var result = null;
if (!resultError)
result = {
idVendor: deviceDescriptor.idVendor,
idProduct: deviceDescriptor.idProduct,
Product: productString,
Manufacturer: manufacturerString,
Serial: serialNumberString
callback(resultError, result);
*Currently this procedure only check vendor id
*from limited set of available vendor ids
*for complete functionality it should also
*check for Product Id, Product Name or Serial Number
function isAndroidDevice(information)
var vendorId = information.idVendor;
var index = require('./usb_vendor_ids').builtInVendorIds.indexOf(vendorId);
return index == -1? false : true;
*Currently this procedure only check the
*interfaces of default activated configuration
*for complete functionality it should check
*all interfaces available on each configuration
function isDebuggingEnabled(device)
const ADB_CLASS = 255;
const ADB_SUBCLASS = 66;
const ADB_PROTOCOL = 1;
/*opened device is necessary to set new configuration and
*to get available interfaces on that configuration
var result = false;
const interfaces = device.interfaces;
for (var i = 0, len = interfaces.length; i < len; ++i)
const bClass = interfaces[i].descriptor.bInterfaceClass;
const bSubClass = interfaces[i].descriptor.bInterfaceSubClass;
const bProtocol = interfaces[i].descriptor.bInterfaceProtocol;
if (bClass == ADB_CLASS && bSubClass == ADB_SUBCLASS && bProtocol == ADB_PROTOCOL)
result = true;
return result;
//copied from https://github.com/karfield/adb/blob/master/src/usb_vendor_ids.c
module.exports.builtInVendorIds = [
0x18d1, /* Google */
0x0bb4, /* HTC */
0x04e8, /* Samsung */
0x22b8, /* Motorola */
0x1004, /* LG */
0x12D1, /* Huawei */
0x0502, /* Acer */
0x0FCE, /* Sony Ericsson */
0x0489, /* Foxconn */
0x413c, /* Dell */
0x0955, /* Nvidia */
0x091E, /* Garmin-Asus */
0x04dd, /* Sharp */
0x19D2, /* ZTE */
0x0482, /* Kyocera */
0x10A9, /* Pantech */
0x05c6, /* Qualcomm */
0x2257, /* On-The-Go-Video */
0x0409, /* NEC */
0x04DA, /* Panasonic Mobile Communication */
0x0930, /* Toshiba */
0x1F53, /* SK Telesys */
0x2116, /* KT Tech */
0x0b05, /* Asus */
0x0471, /* Philips */
0x0451, /* Texas Instruments */
0x0F1C, /* Funai */
0x0414, /* Gigabyte */
0x2420, /* IRiver */
0x1219, /* Compal */
0x1BBB, /* T & A Mobile Phones */
0x2006, /* LenovoMobile */
0x17EF, /* Lenovo */
0xE040, /* Vizio */
0x24E3, /* K-Touch */
0x1D4D, /* Pegatron */
0x0E79, /* Archos */
0x1662, /* Positivo */
0x15eb, /* VIA-Telecom */
0x04c5, /* Fujitsu */
0x091e, /* GarminAsus */
0x109b, /* Hisense */
0x24e3, /* KTouch */
0x17ef, /* Lenovo */
0x2080, /* Nook */
0x10a9, /* Pantech */
0x1d4d, /* Pegatron */
0x04da, /* PMCSierra */
0x1f53, /* SKTelesys */
0x054c, /* Sony */
0x0fce, /* SonyEricsson */
0x2340, /* Teleepoch */
0x19d2, /* ZTE */
0x201e, /* Haier */