我无法更新我的通行证,这里提供的帮助似乎很少。我在 PHP 中生成动态优惠券我的端点。我无法在设备上推送新的更改。推送通知设备后,我得到这条线我不知道这是错误或信息,但我的优惠券没有更新。

苹果手机 4 IOS 9.3 Jul 7 08:04:41 iPhone UserEventAgent[23] <Error>: Could not get event name for stream/token: com.apple.backgroundtaskagent/519: 132: Request for stale data

iphone 6s IOS 10+

Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[81] <Notice>: #I CDRX Indication: LTE with CDRX is false
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe7(ELQM) Ind MsgId=0x0002 Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: eLQM: Posting RRC change notification with label = kNotificationCellLinkStateChange, state = 1, bitmask = 2, info = {
    Detail = 0;
    State = 1;
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: eLQM: Updated cell states (payload = <02020001 00>): (LQM = 100, RRC = 1, INTF = 1)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: RRC State change
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x10021af10 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x1005bc210 observed discretionaryTrafficInvited of object NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, partial update to pid: 3073, change: {
    kind = 1;
    new = 1;
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x100263ba0 observed discretionaryTrafficInvited of object NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, partial update to pid: 1263, change: {
    kind = 1;
    new = 1;
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x10025f530 observed discretionaryTrafficInvited of object NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0, partial update to pid: 91, change: {
    kind = 1;
    new = 1;
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: RRC Update to ON. mach time: 3155729169366  <0x10021af10> (NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>:  _startConnectionTimestamp: 3155729169366
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x10021af10 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:0
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: AWD RRC Metric: noi.isAny with no foregroundActivity flag became ON (plugged in)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x100221f40 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:yes, isBuiltin:no, loi:-1, flags:1
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: 0x10021ccf0 foreground: 1 primary: 0 for noi: NOI: v:0 type:Cell, isAny:no, isBuiltin:yes, loi:0, flags:0
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[127] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [1]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[116] <Notice>: New RRC 1 when previous 0 from pdp_ip0, epoch interface pdp_ip0
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Ind MsgId=0xe013 Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[81] <Notice>: #I CDRX Indication: LTE with CDRX is true
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x555b Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter[81] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x555b Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter[81] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Ind MsgId=0xe006 Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libBasebandManager.dylib)[81] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1499437530285
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Req MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter connected
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: no bundle ID or bundle path found - denying /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: getClientEffectiveRegistrationResult, /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter, , , CLClientRegistrationResult, kCLClientRegistrationResultFailedBlacklisted, CLCommonLocationServicesEnabled, 1
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: no bundle ID or bundle path found - denying /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: getClientEffectiveRegistrationResult, /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter, , , CLClientRegistrationResult, kCLClientRegistrationResultFailedBlacklisted, CLCommonLocationServicesEnabled, 1
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: message 'kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetectionParams' received from client '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter'
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: message 'kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection' received from client '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter'
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter (0x1028f3200) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageOnBodyDetection
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 locationd[2981] <Notice>: message 'kCLConnectionMessageWatchdog' received from client '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter'
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: Outstanding data received: <0a554120 70g1410e edfa75r3 a35ad482 35720f1a 78674sdd f05g8426 4ba77bca 759857fe 42146691 ebf6ef33 b12afd14 1ad9759e 0c0dfd3c ec8e0480 05a80106 a714cf12 7d1d1b37 ce078003 0a7b2261 7073223a 5b5d7d> (length 87) onInterface: WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 87, parameters {
    APSProtocolCommand = 10;
    APSProtocolMessageExpiry = "1970-01-01 18:12:15 +0000";
    APSProtocolMessageID = <00000000>;
    APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1499437529506199502;
    APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a5b 5d7d>;
    APSProtocolToken = <70g1410e edfa75r3 a35ad482 35720f1a 78674sdd f05g8426 4ba77bca 759857fe>;
    APSProtocolTopicHash = <6691ebf6 ef33b12a fd141ad9 759e0c0d fd3cec8e>;
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: copyTokenForDomain push.apple.com (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: copyTokenForDomain push.apple.com (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: copyTokenForDomain push.apple.com (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: copyTokenForDomain push.apple.com (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSPushHistory: 0x10032cda0> timestampForTopic? pass.client.com.companydomain token <70g1410e edfa75r3 a35ad482 35720f1a 78674sdd f05g8426 4ba77bca 759857fe>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: copyTokenForDomain push.apple.com ,66ffffff91ffffffebfffffff6ffffffef33ffffffb12afffffffd141affffffd975ffffff9e0c0dfffffffd3cffffffecffffff8e
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSPushHistory: 0x10032cda0> timestampForTopic? pass.client.com.companydomain token (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSPushHistory: 0x10032cda0> receivedPushWithTopic pass.client.com.companydomain token <70g1410e edfa75r3 a35ad482 35720f1a 78674sdd f05g8426 4ba77bca 759857fe> payload <7b226170 73223a5b 5d7d> timestamp 2017-07-07 14:25:29 +0000
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: Received message for enabled topic 'pass.client.com.companydomain' with payload '{
    aps =     (
}' onInterface: WWAN  for device token: YES  with priority (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSMessageStore: 0x1003a8dc0> asked to store incoming message <APSIncomingMessage: 0x1003b2390> with guid 6BCG8ERE-2F97-4C87-8DSA-DA26535F5ES3 environment <APSEnvironment: 0x10030ce00: production>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: Calling into AWD for PushReceived
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: AWD for PushReceived finished
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: APSMessageStore - New message record [<APSIncomingMessageRecord 0x1003a4110 [0x1ad222bb8]>{}] has ID [48510].
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSMessageStore: 0x1003a8dc0> calling completion block for incoming message 6BCG8ERE-2F97-4C87-8DSA-DA26535F5ES3
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200>: Sending acknowledgement message with response 0 and messageId <00000000> (0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <PCWWANUsabilityMonitor: 0x100310e90> isLTEWithCDRX? On
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSDecayTimer: 0x100412e20>:APSNetworkMonitor decaying cost (0 - 1) = 0 for 7.178882 seconds
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSDecayTimer: 0x100412e20>:APSNetworkMonitor addCost: 25 - _currentCost is now 25
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200> _notifyForIncomingMessage <APSIncomingMessage: 0x1003b2390> with guid 6BCG8ERE-2F97-4C87-8DSA-DA26535F5ES3
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: Dispatching high priority message: <OS_xpc_dictionary: <dictionary: 0x10330b140> { count = 2, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
    "message" => <dictionary: 0x1003bdb20> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =
        "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => <data: 0x1003c54c0>: { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351369010000000000801200000000d87f... }
    "message-type" => <int64: 0x10032b510>: 30
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: Looking up connection on peer: 345df0   found <APSConnectionServer: 0x1004ca9a0>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200> informed that <APSConnectionServer: 0x1004ca9a0> acknowledges incoming message with guid 6BCG8ERE-2F97-4C87-8DSA-DA26535F5ES3
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSMessageStore: 0x1003a8dc0> Removing incoming message with guid 6BCG8ERE-2F97-4C87-8DSA-DA26535F5ES3
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: <APSCourier: 0x100412200> _schedulePendingWorkUpdate
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 apsd(PersistentConnection)[91] <Notice>: 2017-07-07 07:25:30 -0700 apsd[91]: APSMessageStore - APSIncomingMessageRecordDeleteMessageForGUID 6BCG8ERE-2F97-4C87-8DSA-DA26535F5ES3
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Push interval 1156.94 min; zero interval = 120 min; score delta = -8.64115; new score = 0
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[81] <Notice>: QMI: Svc=0xe2(BSP) Resp MsgId=0xe002 Bin=[<private>]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: New task [<private>] does not interact with any enqueued tasks
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Enqueued task [<private>] does not interact with any scheduled tasks, dequeueing
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: Archive Tasks (1)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Removing Scheduled Activity: PDNetworkTaskManagerActivateEligibleTasksActivityIdentifier for Client: <private>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: Archiving Scheduled Activities (2)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 powerd[37] <Notice>: Activity changes from 0x1 to 0x11. UseActiveState:1
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 powerd[37] <Notice>: hidActive:1 displayOff:0 assertionActivityValid:0 now:0x201a0  hid_ts:0x20101 assertion_ts:0x0
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: <private> 0x115e3fe00: Created power assertion: <private> (37784)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 UserEventAgent(com.apple.cts)[22] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity: PDNetworkTaskManager.WebServiceTasks.PDNetworkTaskManagerActivateEligibleTasksActivityIdentifier
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Begin delaying exit: ActiveTasks (3)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Activating task <private>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Generating GET request with URL <<private>>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Enabled Notification Services Push Topics: <private>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Payment Web Service push topics: <private>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Applying push notification token: <private>\M-b\M^@\M-&
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Applied token: <private>
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TCP Conn Start [282:0x115e3a840]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[127] <Notice>: CANCELED: <private>!
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TCP Conn Event [282:0x115e3a840]: 1 Err(0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TCP Conn Connected [282:0x115e3a840]: Err(0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC Enabling TLS [282:0x115e3a840]
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TLS Event [282:0x115e3a840]: 2, Pending(0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TLS Event [282:0x115e3a840]: 11, Pending(0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TLS Event [282:0x115e3a840]: 12, Pending(0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd(CFNetwork)[148] <Notice>: TIC TLS Event [282:0x115e3a840]: 14, Pending(0)
Jul  7 07:25:30 Iphone 6 passd[148] <Notice>: Received authentication challenge:
  ---->Protection Space: <Realm: (null), Host: <private>, Protocol: https, Method: NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust>
  ---->Proposed Credential: (null)
  Performing default handling.

环境:PHP 7 - 操作系统 Linux

框架/项目:开源 - 存折。Github 链接:webservice-passbook 链接:https ://github.com/xav-stargate/webservice-passbook



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