我在使用 okhttp 时遇到了这个错误。请帮我分析错误原因并给我解决方案
@Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {
if (byteCount < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteCount < 0: " + byteCount);
if (byteCount == 0) return 0;
// If we haven't consumed the header, we must consume it before anything else.
if (section == SECTION_HEADER) {
section = SECTION_BODY;
// Attempt to read at least a byte of the body. If we do, we're done.
if (section == SECTION_BODY) {
long offset = sink.size;
long result = inflaterSource.read(sink, byteCount);
if (result != -1) {
updateCrc(sink, offset, result);
return result;
// The body is exhausted; time to read the trailer. We always consume the
// trailer before returning a -1 exhausted result; that way if you read to
// the end of a GzipSource you guarantee that the CRC has been checked.
if (section == SECTION_TRAILER) {
section = SECTION_DONE;
// Gzip streams self-terminate: they return -1 before their underlying
// source returns -1. Here we attempt to force the underlying stream to
// return -1 which may trigger it to release its resources. If it doesn't
// return -1, then our Gzip data finished prematurely!
if (!source.exhausted()) {
throw new IOException("gzip finished without exhausting source");
return -1;
throw new IOException("gzip 完成但没有耗尽源");