我创建了一个像这样的 gMSA:
New-ADServiceAccount -name Cust00000 -DNSHostName Cust00000.domain.com -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "IIS_IUSRS" -ManagedPasswordIntervalInDays 60
Test-ADServiceAccount Cust00000
WARNING: Test failed for Managed Service Account Cust00000. If standalone Managed Service Account, the account is
linked to another computer object in the Active Directory. If group Managed Service Account, either this computer does
not have permission to use the group MSA or this computer does not support all the Kerberos encryption types required
for the gMSA. See the MSA operational log for more information.
我检查了事件查看器 -> 应用程序和服务日志 -> Microsoft -> Windows -> 应用程序 -> Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational 但这似乎不正确。MSA 操作日志在哪里(可能是什么)?
,但没有奏效。我放弃了,终于让它工作了(对于一个名为 Domain\sirdank$ 的 gMSA),Set-ADServiceAccount sirdank -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "$env:computername$"
我也很幸运地通过了“Domain Computers”而不是“$env:computername$”。