I am storing if a checkbox is checked or not using AsyncStorage. When I reload the app, I see from logs that inside the asynchronous variable the correct information is stored. But, it is loaded after componentWillMount. Because of that, the checkbox does not appear checked, as it should be.
I think a good workaround will be to change the checkbox properties inside the asynchronous function. Do you think that would be a good solution? Do you have other suggestions for showing the correct checkbox value?
My code:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {isChecked: false}
this.switchStatus = this.switchStatus.bind(this)
async getCache(key) {
try {
const status = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);
if (status == null)
status = false
console.log("my async status is " + status)
return status
} catch(error) {
console.log("error", e)
// key string depends on the object selected to be checked
const key = "status_" + this.props.data.id.toString()
this.getCache = this.getCache.bind(this)
this.setState({isChecked: (this.getCache(key) == 'true')})
console.log("my state is" + this.state.isChecked)
switchStatus () {
const newStatus = this.state.isChecked == false ? true : false
AsyncStorage.setItem("status_" + this.props.data.id.toString(), newStatus.toString());
console.log("hi my status is " + newStatus)
this.setState({isChecked: newStatus})
render({ data, onPress} = this.props) {
const {id, title, checked} = data
return (
<ListItem button onPress={onPress}>
style={{padding: 1}}
<Icon name="arrow-forward" />
There is no difference if I put everything in componentWillMount in the constructor.