I am having a Grouped style UITableView, in which there are sections populated (no of items based on my REST data). Each section has a viewForHeaderInSection (a custom section header - XIB) and a cellForRowAtIndexPath. When I tap on my header, I am toggling to show/hide UILabels present in a UIView of the custom header.

At the same time I am also increasing the height of the row with the total height calculated after the section header is expanded.

All is working great so far, the only problem is when I scroll up an expanded section, all the UILabels (and the images inside the UIView of the header) are disappearing.

Am I missing something obvious?

I looked at many similar questions but with no positive clue. Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

This is what is happening

How is it different from my other question : The question that is assumed original of this question is different but used the same codebase. The original question was about calculating height of a row/sectionheader and this is about the cell being disappeared on the tableView.


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