使用 optparse-applicative,我想要一个可选参数,它应该是文件的路径,或者如果没有指定,则为stdin. 这里明显的选择是使这个参数类型IO Handle和当一个参数被传递时使用openFile。这是我目前拥有的:

module Main where

import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Options.Applicative
import System.IO

data Args = Args { input :: IO Handle }

parseArgs = Args <$> argument parseReadHandle (value defaultHandle)
  where defaultHandle = return stdin :: IO Handle

parseReadHandle :: ReadM (IO Handle)
parseReadHandle = eitherReader $ \path -> Right $ openFile path ReadMode

getArgs :: IO Args
getArgs = execParser $ info (parseArgs <**> helper) fullDesc

main :: IO ()
main = run =<< getArgs

run :: Args -> IO ()
run (Args input) = putStrLn =<< hGetContents =<< input


我认为更合适的方法是LeftopenFile. 问题是,eitherReader期望 aString -> Either String a所以我们不能做这样的事情:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Exception

parseReadHandle :: ReadM (IO Handle)
parseReadHandle = eitherReader tryOpenFile

tryOpenFile :: IO (Either String (IO Handle)) -> FilePath
tryOpenFile path = do
  handle (\(e :: IOException) -> return $ Left $ show e) $ do
    return $ Right $ openFile path ReadMode

当然,你可以从类型中tryOpenFile看出 this 不会进行类型检查。我不确定我所要求的是否可行,因为似乎错误消息必须是IO String,因为要获得错误,必须执行 IO 计算。所以至少看起来你需要eitherReader采取 aString -> IO (Either String a)或 a String -> Either (IO String) (IO Handle)。根据我对它们的基本理解,听起来可以在这里使用 monad 转换器来包装 ReadM(或相反?)。但这比我的理解要深一些,我不知道如何先行。

有没有办法在handleoptparse IOException-applicative 中完成ReadM


1 回答 1



你说:"I'd like to have an optional argument, which should be a path to a file..."

好的,那么类似的东西怎么样Maybe FilePath?听起来这可能是您想要的。或等效的 ADT:

data Path = StandardInput | Path FilePath

当你说的时候,"The obvious choice here is to make this argument type IO Handle and when an argument is passed in use openFile" 你是在超越自己。



stdInputParser :: Parser Path
stdInputParser = ...

pathSuppliedParser :: Parser Path
pathSuppliedParser = ...

pathParser :: Parser Path
pathParser = pathSuppliedParser <|> stdInputParser


run :: Path -> IO ()
run StandardInput = ... use stdin here
run (Path filePath) = ... use openFile here, catch and handle exceptions if the file doesn't exist, etc.
于 2017-07-03T03:39:10.943 回答