我目前正在使用 XAMPP 和 Thunderbird 3 并希望设置我的本地服务器以将邮件发送到像 gmail/hotmail/(anymail) 这样的电子邮件,这样我就可以测试使用 mail() 函数的我的 php 脚本。这将节省一些时间,因为它会绕过每次进行微小更改时繁琐地保存和上传 php 文件的步骤。


  1. 已安装 XAMPP(已成功安装,因为我已经将它用于我的其他工作)
  2. 为 XAMPP 安装 Mercury
  3. 在水星

a. click on Configuration -> Manage Local Users
b. Create New User

          Username: **root**
          Password: **root**
c. click on Configuration -> Mercury SMTP
d. make the following changes

          IP Interface to use: ****
          Listen to TCP/IP port: **25**
          Announce Myself as: ****
e. click on Configuration -> Mercury POP 3
f. make the following changes

          Listen to TCP port: **110**
          IP Interface to use: ****
g. click on Configuration -> MercuryE SMTP client Configuration
h. make the following changes

          Identify Myself as: ****
          Name server: ****
i. click on Configuration -> Mercury D pop3 client
j. make the following changes

          POP3 Host: ****
          Username: **root**
          Password: **root**

4. 安装 Thunderbird 3 5. 在 Thunderbird

a. click on Tools -> Account Settings
b. In Account Settings

    i. click on Account Actions -> Add Mail Account
    ii. In Add Mail Account

        Your name: **root**
        Email address: **root@localhost.com**
        Password: **root**
    iii. click next
    vi. under Editing Config set as following

        Username: **root**
        Incoming:   POP/IMAP
        Outgoing:   SMTP
    v. click Create Account
c. send test mail to myself (this part doesn't work for me, it says mail sent successfully but when I check inbox in Thunderbird, there is no mail.)

4. 测试 PHP mail() 脚本(我还没有到这一步,因为我还没有能够成功设置本地邮件服务器。)


1 回答 1





Mercury 可以从 Xampp 控制面板激活。

于 2011-06-01T19:05:38.620 回答