我的任务是在 Ceylon 编写文件编写器,在此过程中,我遇到了在 Ceylon 编写 if 语句的巨大困难,当面对强大的类型正确向导时,我将被允许通过。遥远的锡兰大地狭窄的编译桥:
这是我的 if 语句(第一行是第 10 行):
if (is Nil fileResource || is File fileResource) {
File file = createFileIfNil(fileResource);
value writer = file.Overwriter();
//writer.writeLine("Hello, World!");
} else {
编辑:这是我根据 Bastien Jansens 建议更新的 if 语句。但是,错误保持不变:(
Path folderPath = parsePath("""C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\POSTtoFile""");
Path filePath = folderPath.childPath("BPset.json.txt");
FResource fileResource = filePath.resource;
if (is Nil|File fileResource) {
File file = createFileIfNil(fileResource);
value writer = file.Overwriter();
//writer.writeLine("Hello, World!");
} else {
import ceylon.http.server { newServer, startsWith, Endpoint, Request, Response }
import ceylon.io { SocketAddress }
import ceylon.file { Path, parsePath, File, createFileIfNil, FResource = Resource }
// let's create a file with "hello world":
Path folderPath = parsePath("""C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\POSTtoFile""");
Path filePath = folderPath.childPath("BPset.json.txt");
FResource fileResource = filePath.resource;
if (is Nil|File fileResource) {
File file = createFileIfNil(fileResource);
value writer = file.Overwriter();
//writer.writeLine("Hello, World!");
} else {
shared void runServer() {
//create a HTTP server
value server = newServer {
//an endpoint, on the path /hello
Endpoint {
path = startsWith("/postBPset");
//handle requests to this path
function service(Request request, Response response) {
variable String logString;
variable String jsonString;
variable String contentType;
contentType = request.contentType
else "(not specified)";
logString = "Received " + request.method.string + " request \n"
+ "Content type: " + contentType + "\n"
+ "Request method: " + request.method.string + "\n";
jsonString = request.read();
return response;
//start the server on port 8080