我正在尝试使用http://meatfighter.com/fluiddynamics/GPU_Gems_Chapter_38.pdf作为资源使用 WebGL 进行流体模拟。我已经实现了一切,但我觉得有很多事情不能正常工作。我添加了边界,但似乎它们没有任何效果,这让我怀疑有多少压力和平流正在起作用。我展示了散度,我在移动物体的位置以及速度到达边缘(边界)时几乎没有得到什么,但我得到的压力是完全空的。我使用链接资源中描述的扩散着色器计算压力。
- 编辑 -
对于扩散速度和计算压力,我只进行 10 次迭代,因为我的计算机可以处理我的实现(一旦我开始工作,我会优化),但我觉得计算压力和减去梯度没有任何效果。
uniform vec2 res;//The width and height of our screen
uniform sampler2D velocity;//input velocity
uniform sampler2D quantity;//quantity to advect
void main() {
vec2 pixel = gl_FragCoord.xy / res.xy;
float i0, j0, i1, j1;
float x, y, s0, s1, t0, t1, dxt0, dyt0;
float dt = 1.0/60.0;
float Nx = res.x -1.0;
float Ny = res.y -1.0;
float i = pixel.x;
float j = pixel.y;
dxt0 = dt ;
dyt0 = dt ;
x = gl_FragCoord.x - dxt0 * (texture2D(velocity, pixel).x );
y = gl_FragCoord.y - dyt0 * (texture2D(velocity, pixel).y );
s1 = x-i0;
s0 = 1.0-s1;
t1 = y-j0;
t0 = 1.0-t1;
float p1 = (t0 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i0,j0)/res.xy).r);
float p2 = (t1 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i0,j1)/res.xy).r);
float p3 = (t0 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i1,j0)/res.xy).r);
float p4 = (t1 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i1,j1)/res.xy).r);
float total1 = s0 * (p1 + p2);
float total2 = s1 * (p3 + p4);
gl_FragColor.r = total1 + total2;
p1 = (t0 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i0,j0)/res.xy).g);
p2 = (t1 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i0,j1)/res.xy).g);
p3 = (t0 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i1,j0)/res.xy).g);
p4 = (t1 * texture2D(quantity, vec2(i1,j1)/res.xy).g);
total1 = s0 * (p1 + p2);
total2 = s1 * (p3 + p4);
gl_FragColor.g = total1 + total2;
//diffusion shader starts here
uniform vec2 res;//The width and height of our screen
uniform sampler2D x;//Our input texture
uniform sampler2D b;
uniform float alpha;
uniform float rBeta;
void main() {
float xPixel = 1.0/res.x;
float yPixel = 1.0/res.y;
vec2 pixel = gl_FragCoord.xy / res.xy;
gl_FragColor = texture2D( b, pixel );
vec4 leftColor = texture2D(x,vec2(pixel.x-xPixel,pixel.y));
vec4 rightColor = texture2D(x,vec2(pixel.x+xPixel,pixel.y));
vec4 upColor = texture2D(x,vec2(pixel.x,pixel.y-yPixel));
vec4 downColor = texture2D(x,vec2(pixel.x,pixel.y+yPixel));
gl_FragColor.r = (gl_FragColor.r * alpha +leftColor.r + rightColor.r + upColor.r + downColor.r) * rBeta;
gl_FragColor.g = (gl_FragColor.g * alpha +leftColor.g + rightColor.g + upColor.g + downColor.g)* rBeta;
gl_FragColor.b = (gl_FragColor.b * alpha +leftColor.b + rightColor.b + upColor.b + downColor.b)* rBeta;
uniform vec2 res;//The width and height of our screen
uniform sampler2D velocity;//Our input velocity
uniform sampler2D pressure;//Our input pressure
void main() {
float xPixel = 1.0/res.x;
float yPixel = 1.0/res.y;
vec2 pixel = gl_FragCoord.xy / res.xy;
vec4 leftColor = texture2D(pressure, vec2(pixel.x-xPixel,pixel.y));
vec4 rightColor = texture2D(pressure, vec2(pixel.x+xPixel,pixel.y));
vec4 upColor = texture2D(pressure, vec2(pixel.x,pixel.y-yPixel));
vec4 downColor = texture2D(pressure, vec2(pixel.x,pixel.y+yPixel));
vec2 gradient = xPixel/2.0 * vec2((rightColor.x - leftColor.x), (upColor.y - downColor.y));
//Diffuse equation
gl_FragColor = texture2D(velocity, pixel) ;
gl_FragColor.xy -= gradient;
uniform vec2 res;//The width and height of our screen
uniform sampler2D velocity;//Our input texture
void main() {
float xPixel = 1.0/res.x;
float yPixel = 1.0/res.y;
vec2 pixel = gl_FragCoord.xy / res.xy;
vec4 leftColor = texture2D(velocity, vec2(pixel.x-xPixel,pixel.y));
vec4 rightColor = texture2D(velocity, vec2(pixel.x+xPixel,pixel.y));
vec4 upColor = texture2D(velocity, vec2(pixel.x,pixel.y-yPixel));
vec4 downColor = texture2D(velocity, vec2(pixel.x,pixel.y+yPixel));
float div = xPixel/2.0 * ((rightColor.x - leftColor.x) + (upColor.y - downColor.y));
//Diffuse equation
gl_FragColor = vec4(div);