我做的最后一件事——安装了分叉的兄弟 GitX 并开始使用它(主要用于历史查看,但也尝试在合并时进行)。但是在develop之前从master开始并行进行,'feature-shape-fill'分支被合并到develop两次。我也在开发中做了 git stash。
现在 git log for develop 分支只显示最后一次提交。没有说“分离”之类的东西。
* 我已经害怕 GitX(官方和这个分支),因为上周也发生了一些奇怪的事情——在过去的几个提交中,二进制 .fla 文件在过去的晚上没有保存。所有的文本文件都很好,但是那个二进制文件就像是 4 次提交。在分支之间切换时,其他工作目录根本没有更新(我在控制台中工作,git没有说任何错误,这对他来说很好)。Donno 是否与 gitx 有关?
upd:看起来像这里提到的同样的问题http://groups.google.com/group/gitx/browse_thread/thread/71a0f759d115fee5 这是我得到的:
$ git reflog
157cfca HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill to develop
46a6163 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from develop to feature-shape-fill
157cfca HEAD@{2}: commit: Rotated drag tip
7f6c394 HEAD@{3}: commit: TextShapesCanvas is working,
4765eed HEAD@{4}: merge feature-shape-fill: Merge made by recursive.
ed44a2c HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill to develop
46a6163 HEAD@{6}: commit: More tight packaging (thnx to TextLineMetrics),
59b6d2d HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from develop to feature-shape-fill
ed44a2c HEAD@{8}: merge feature-shape-fill: Merge made by recursive.
67d08b3 HEAD@{9}: commit: Basic grid functionality, need to add text shapes and fix resize-generation
505479c HEAD@{10}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill to develop
59b6d2d HEAD@{11}: commit (amend): Simple retrovirus non-optomized algorithm
5ec1b70 HEAD@{12}: commit: Simple retrovirus non-optomized algorithm
b9eaf18 HEAD@{13}: commit: The most ugly suitable version of fill algorithm
757f1b7 HEAD@{14}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill-predefined to feature-shape-fill
757f1b7 HEAD@{15}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill to feature-shape-fill-predefined
757f1b7 HEAD@{16}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill-auto to feature-shape-fill
b8e284f HEAD@{17}: commit: Auto fill first steps
757f1b7 HEAD@{18}: checkout: moving from feature-shape-fill to feature-shape-fill-auto
757f1b7 HEAD@{19}: commit: Test document created, components::TextShape base draft
505479c HEAD@{20}: checkout: moving from develop to feature-shape-fill
505479c HEAD@{21}: checkout: moving from master to develop