我正在尝试为我的服务器的 cPanel 帐户使用自动备份脚本。
我已经在一台带有 FileZilla Server 的本地机器上安装了一个 FTP 服务器。我可以使用 FileZilla 客户端、Plesk 服务器和 lftp 成功连接和传输文件...
由于某些未知原因,尝试使用 PHP 连接和放置文件时,响应是:
警告:ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115) in
/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/lab/test/perform_mysql_bk.php on line 326
$fSuccess = false;
$sServerAddress = $this->m_aConfig['FTP_SERVER_ADDRESS'];
$iServerPort = (int)( $this->m_aConfig['FTP_SERVER_PORT'] );
// set up FTP connection
if ( ($this->m_aConfig['FTP_USE_SSL'] == 'YES') ) {
if ( function_exists('ftp_ssl_connect') ) {
$this->m_oFtpConnection = ftp_ssl_connect( $sServerAddress, $iServerPort );
if ( !$this->m_oFtpConnection ) {
$this->writeLog( "Attempt to connect to ".$sServerAddress.":".$iServerPort." with SSL+FTP failed. Will fallback to normal FTP." );
else {
$this->writeLog( "Attempt to connect to ".$sServerAddress.":".$iServerPort." with SSL+FTP Succeeded. Now logging in ..." );
else {
$this->writeLog( "This server doesn't support FTPS (FTP with SSL). Will fallback to normal FTP." );
if ( !$this->m_oFtpConnection ) {
$this->m_oFtpConnection = ftp_connect( $sServerAddress, $iServerPort );
// login after a successful connection
if ( $this->m_oFtpConnection ) {
$fLoginResult = ftp_login( $this->m_oFtpConnection, $this->m_aConfig['FTP_USERNAME'], $this->m_aConfig['FTP_PASSWORD'] );
//echo $fLoginResult;
else {
$this->writeLog( "Attempt to connect to ".$sServerAddress.":".$iServerPort." failed." );
// check connection
if ( (!$this->m_oFtpConnection) || (!$fLoginResult) ) {
$this->writeLog( "FTP connection has failed!" );
} else {
$this->writeLog( "FTP connection was successful with ".$sServerAddress.":".$iServerPort );
$fSuccess = true;
// Set to Passive connection if login was successful and this setting was set.
if ( $fSuccess && ($this->m_aConfig['FTP_USE_PASSIVE'] == 'YES') ) {
if ( ftp_pasv( $this->m_oFtpConnection, true ) ) {
$this->writeLog( "FTP connection was set to PASSIVE mode." );
else {
$this->writeLog( "Attempted to set FTP connection to PASSIVE mode but failed. Going to continue with copy anyway. If the script fails, review this as a possible source." );
尝试使用 SSL+FTP 连接到 xx.xx.xx.xx:21 成功。现在登录...
FTP 连接成功,xx.xx.xx.xx:21
FTP 连接设置为 PASSIVE 模式。
$fSuccess = false;
$sDestinationFile = $this->m_aConfig['FTP_PATH_TO_COPY'] . $insDbFileName;
// upload the file
$fUpload = ftp_put( $this->m_oFtpConnection, $sDestinationFile, $insDbFileName, FTP_BINARY );
// check upload status
if (!$fUpload) {
$this->writeLog( "FTP upload has failed! Check the log file for errors. Try changing PASSIVE and SSL options in the config." );
return false;
} else {
$this->writeLog( "Uploaded $insDbFileName to ".$this->m_aConfig['FTP_SERVER_ADDRESS']." as $sDestinationFile" );
$fSuccess = true;
return $fSuccess;
警告:ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115) in
/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/lab/test/perform_mysql_bk.php on line 326
我已经阅读了很多页面说这个错误是由 FTP 服务器返回内部 IP 地址而不是公共 IP 地址引起的,但是我已经用其他程序进行了测试并且一切运行正常,执行 PASV 命令时 FTP 服务器正在发送公共 IP .