
但是由于我没有使用承诺,所以它没有按正确的顺序运行!当我上传多个文件时,代码的 ajax 部分在最后运行(我正在使用 krajee bootstrap,此代码执行实际的文件上传!)。这是代码:

$('#uploadNoteImage').on('fileloaded', function (event, file, previewId, index, reader) {
    var url = noTrailingSlash(window.location.href) + '/user/notes';
    console.log("1) Notes upload number: "+index);

    var imgpgno = parseInt(getNotesLength(noteTitle, notesData));
    console.log("2) Got page number of image "+imgpgno);

    var data = {
        "subject": noteTitle,
        "pgno": imgpgno + 1,
        "note": reader.result

    console.log("3) Formed data object:");
        url: url,
        method: "PUT",
        data: data,
        success: function (data) {
            console.log("4) Successfully uploaded data");
            toastr.success('', 'Added!');
            var order = getIndexToDelete(noteTitle, notesData);
            console.log("5) Fetched order number: "+order);
            var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
            if (imgpgno == 0) {
                console.log("6)(No notes uploaded yet state) Images before uploading"+images);
                modalImg.src = reader.result;
                    "id": id, "pgno": imgpgno + 1,
                    "note": reader.result
                images = imgpgno + 1;
                console.log("7)(No notes uploaded yet state) Images after uploading: "+images);
                // imgpgno++;

            else if(imgpgno!=0) {
                var newPageNo=imgpgno + 1;
                console.log("6)(1 note uploaded state) Pushing data with pgno: "+newPageNo);
                    "id": id, "pgno": newPageNo,
                    "note": reader.result
                images = imgpgno + 1;
                console.log("7)(1 note uploaded state) Images after uploading: "+images);
        error: function (err) {
            toastr.error('Try again!', 'Something went wrong in uploading note!');

我如何在此处包含承诺,以便代码以正确的顺序运行?我已经详细概述了这里的问题:AJAX 代码的延迟执行


1 回答 1


最简单的方法需要一点“设置” -

var uploadInProgress = $.when();



var uploadInProgress = $.when();
$('#uploadNoteImage').on('fileloaded', function (event, file, previewId, index, reader) {
    // here, we chain the "pending" upload to this one
    uploadInProgress = uploadInProgress.then(function() {
        var url = noTrailingSlash(window.location.href) + '/user/notes';
        console.log("1) Notes upload number: "+index);

        var imgpgno = parseInt(getNotesLength(noteTitle, notesData));
        console.log("2) Got page number of image "+imgpgno);

        var data = {
            "subject": noteTitle,
            "pgno": imgpgno + 1,
            "note": reader.result

        console.log("3) Formed data object:");
        return $.ajax({
            url: url,
            method: "PUT",
            data: data
        // since we are using Promise pattern, use .then for success, and .catch for error conditions
        }).then(function (data) {
            console.log("4) Successfully uploaded data");
            toastr.success('', 'Added!');
            var order = getIndexToDelete(noteTitle, notesData);
            console.log("5) Fetched order number: "+order);
            var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
            if (imgpgno == 0) {
                console.log("6)(No notes uploaded yet state) Images before uploading"+images);
                modalImg.src = reader.result;
                    "id": id, "pgno": imgpgno + 1,
                    "note": reader.result
                images = imgpgno + 1;
                console.log("7)(No notes uploaded yet state) Images after uploading: "+images);
                // imgpgno++;

            else { // if(imgpgno!=0) { // the check is redundant since when the above if condition is false, this has to be true
                var newPageNo=imgpgno + 1;
                console.log("6)(1 note uploaded state) Pushing data with pgno: "+newPageNo);
                    "id": id, "pgno": newPageNo,
                    "note": reader.result
                images = imgpgno + 1;
                console.log("7)(1 note uploaded state) Images after uploading: "+images);
        }).catch(function (err) {
            // this catch ensures that the next upload will be able to run regardless of this upload's failure
            toastr.error('Try again!', 'Something went wrong in uploading note!');

代替success:/回调,使用返回 aerror:的事实,并使用/ - 这使得一个接一个地链接上传请求变得容易$.ajaxPromise.then.catch

注意:确保 .catch 实际处理错误(即不抛出错误),否则承诺链将中断 - 您拥有的代码error:原样正常

于 2017-06-25T08:29:31.570 回答