我是否可以开发一个使用 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 中的 ADO .NET 实体的网站,然后将其部署在仅具有 .NET 3.5 框架的另一台机器上?


4 回答 4


No. Your code will be referencing the Entity Framework code, and calling into it. That will fail when you try to run it on a machine which doesn't have the Entity Framework.

I also wouldn't suggest just including "extra" DLLs - getting in a state where you're using some code from 3.5 and some from 3.5SP1 sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

于 2009-01-15T15:49:44.473 回答

Perhaps if you include the dll's that SP1 puts in the GAC (like system.web.dynamicdata for example) during setup. Normally these wouldn't be copied into your bin cause they are in the GAC.

Best thing would be to upgrade the machine to SP1, but I guess that is not an option..

于 2009-01-15T15:45:37.210 回答

Yes you can do this. Right click on your references and go to properties. Set "Copy Local" to "True". You will essentially be deploying .NET SP1 assemblies in your local bin instead of using what is stored in the GAC.

于 2009-01-15T16:05:19.857 回答


于 2009-01-15T15:40:24.180 回答