我遇到了一个与 MacRuby 不一致的错误,并且不知道如何进行调试。如果有人可以提供帮助,那就太好了。
我不知道这是由于我自己的代码还是 MacRuby 框架中的错误。我有一种感觉,这是我自己的代码,关于过度保留一块内存,因此垃圾收集失败。
这是来自 Xcode 的错误。谢谢。
CSV Wizard(30245,0x7fff704f7ca0) malloc: resurrection error for object 0x20199da20 while assigning {conservative-block}[196608](0x302360060)[117616] = Array[64](0x20199da20)
garbage pointer stored into reachable memory, break on auto_zone_resurrection_error to debug
CSV Wizard(30245,0x103781000) malloc: garbage block 0x20199da20(Array[64]) was over-retained during finalization, refcount = 1
This could be an unbalanced CFRetain(), or CFRetain() balanced with -release.
Break on auto_zone_resurrection_error() to debug.
CSV Wizard(30245,0x103781000) malloc: fatal resurrection error for garbage block 0x20199da20(Array[64]): over-retained during finalization, refcount = 1