我有一套 26 项测试。有时某些测试,任何测试,都会失败并出现以下错误:

Test Case ...
    t =     0.00s     Start Test at 2017-06-21 13:41:15.265
    t =     0.00s     Set Up
    t =     0.11s     Launch com.company.MyApp
    t =     4.06s         Wait for app to idle
    t =    10.27s             Unable to monitor animations
    t =    16.45s             Unable to monitor event loop
    t =    17.67s     Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.company.MyApp
    t =    23.84s         Assertion Failure: <unknown>:0: Failure getting snapshot Error Domain=XCTDaemonErrorDomain Code=12 "Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)}
    t =    23.85s         Tear Down

使用 Xcode 8 时,测试不会在报告中显示为失败,但在使用 Xcode 9 时会显示失败。使用 Xcode 9 时,问题相似,但日志不同。

t =     0.00s Start Test at 2017-06-22 14:17:00.716
t =     0.08s Set Up
t =     0.18s Open com.company.MyApp
t =     0.26s     Launch com.company.MyApp
t =     3.39s         Wait for com.company.MyApp to idle
t =     9.58s             Unable to monitor animations
t =    15.76s             Unable to monitor event loop
t =    16.90s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    23.17s Tap "More" Button
t =    23.17s     Wait for com.company.MyApp to idle
t =    29.41s         Unable to monitor animations
t =    35.59s         Unable to monitor event loop
t =    35.61s     Find the "More" Button
t =    35.61s         Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    41.92s         Wait for com.company.MyApp to idle
t =    48.16s             Unable to monitor animations
t =    54.34s             Unable to monitor event loop
t =    55.36s         Find the "More" Button (retry 1)
t =    55.37s             Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    61.69s             Wait for com.company.MyApp to idle
t =    67.92s                 Unable to monitor animations
t =    74.10s                 Unable to monitor event loop
t =    75.12s         Find the "More" Button (retry 2)
t =    75.12s             Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =    81.44s             Wait for com.company.MyApp to idle
t =    87.66s                 Unable to monitor animations
t =    93.86s                 Unable to monitor event loop
t =    94.00s Assertion Failure: report.feature:11: Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)
t =    94.21s Find the Window
t =    94.21s     Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =   101.35s     Find the Window (retry 1)
t =   101.35s         Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =   108.53s     Find the Window (retry 2)
t =   108.53s         Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 18003
t =   114.79s Assertion Failure: report.feature:10: Failed to get main window after 30 retries: kAXErrorServerNotFound (see <rdar://problem/15530121>)
t =   114.79s Tear Down





Xcode 9 Beta 6 的发行说明中似乎有一个关于此的已知问题

xcodebuild 测试可能会间歇性地失败,并显示“Domain=XCTestManagerErrorDomain Code=12 “Failed to get main window after 30 retries”。(29122169)


让我们希望这个问题在 Xcode 9 的最终版本之前得到修复


1 回答 1


我一直在为Xcode 8.3.2上的这个完全相同的问题苦苦挣扎——很遗憾听到 Xcode 9 beta 还没有解决这个问题:(

到目前为止,唯一可靠的修复是重置iOS 模拟器设备。例如:

osascript -e 'tell application "Simulator" to quit'
xcrun simctl erase all

如果您知道您的设备 ID,则可以将其重置:

xcrun simctl erase DEVICE_ID

(不用说,您可以将这些命令包装在一个简单的shell 脚本中,并在出现此问题时从终端运行它。)

于 2017-07-04T21:29:48.230 回答