I am working on a Pybossa based crowdsourcing platform. In the task presented I am stuck on the following code -
$(".btn-submit").off('click').on('click', function(){
var answer = $("textarea#text").val();
$("#viewport_" + task.id).hide();
pybossa.saveTask(task.id, answer).done(function(data){
setTimeout(function() { $("#success").fadeOut() }, 2000);
This code is for fetching the reply and storing it as answer
What if I have many questions in a task to which user replies, structured as follows -
Q.1 This is question 1?
Q.2 This is question 2?
Q.3 This is question 3?
And the user replies to these in separate text forms -
How do I store multiple answers, in a way that Pybossa can also take weighted average of each while calculating results (For example via Golden Tasks.) I would also like to know how Pybossa evaluates answers.