CountyName Year Oil Gas
ANDERSON 2010 1358 0
ANDERSON 2010 621746 4996766
ANDERSON 2011 1587 0
ANDERSON 2011 633120 5020877
ANDERSON 2012 55992 387685
ANDERSON 2012 1342 0
ANDERSON 2013 635572 3036578
ANDERSON 2013 4873 0
ANDERSON 2014 656440 2690333
ANDERSON 2014 12332 0
ANDERSON 2015 608454 2836272
ANDERSON 2015 23339 0
ANDERSON 2016 551728 2682261
ANDERSON 2016 12716 0
ANDERSON 2017 132466 567874
ANDERSON 2017 1709 0
ANDREWS 2010 25701725 1860063
ANDREWS 2010 106351 0
ANDREWS 2011 97772 0
ANDREWS 2011 28818329 1377865
ANDREWS 2012 105062 0
我有兴趣将重复条目的相应石油值和天然气值组合起来。例如,我想添加安德森县 2010 年的所有石油条目,并让该值仅替换一行中的现有条目。我现在使用的代码是对各个县的所有值求和,无论年份如何,给我一个浓缩的输出,如下所示:
CountyName Year Oil Gas
ANDERSON 3954774
ANDREWS 206472698
import csv
with open('Texas.csv', 'r') as Texas: #opening Texas csv file
TexasReader = csv.reader(Texas)
counties = {}
years = {}
index = 0 and 1
for row in TexasReader:
if index == 0 and 1:
header = row
county = row[0]
year = row[1]
oil = row[2]
gas = row[3]
if county in counties:
counties[county] += int(oil)
counties[county] = int(oil)
index += 1
with open('TexasConsolidated.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=header, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n')
for k, v in counties.items():
writer.writerow({header[0]: k, header[2]: v})