How can I broadcast a message to all actors that are watching a particular actor?

For context, suppose I have a AuctionActor (which is potentially a remote actor) that is being watched by a large number of AuctionParticipantActor types. I would like the AuctionActor to broadcast various messages to AuctionParicipantActor types.

One possibility would be for the AuctionActor to keep a collection of all participant ActorRef instances and then loop over this collection when ever a message needs to be sent to all participants. This seems inefficient and I am hoping for a better solution...


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如果您不想像 Diego Martinoia提到的那样使用 PubSub,我建议使用Routerswith BroadcastingLogic。这朝着您提到的 ActorRefs 集合的方向发展,但使用 Akka 功能来实现它比仅在AuctionActor.

来自 Akka文档




class AuctionActor extends Actor {
  var router = Router(BroadcastRoutingLogic(), Vector[ActorRefRoutee]())

  def receive = {
    case AddParticipant(ref) =>
      router = router.addRoutee(ref)
    case RemoveParticipant(ref) =>
      router = router.removeRoutee(ref)
    case update: ImportantUpdate =>
      router.route(update, self)
于 2017-06-20T11:38:48.013 回答