我是 C# 和套接字的新手,所以如果我的问题不合时宜,我深表歉意。我开始使用此链接中的示例构建套接字接口: https ://code.msdn.microsoft.com/High-Performance-NET-69c2df2f

我希望能够通过套接字传输二进制文件,所以我做了一个假设(可能是错误的),我不应该使用StringBuilder. 我将原始代码更改OSUserToken为使用MemoryStreamand BinaryWriter(注释掉原始代码)。

在代码的其他地方(来自上面的链接),SocketAsyncEventArgsSetBuffer(new Byte[_bufferSize], 0, _bufferSize);. 我担心这不会很好地适应我的MemoryStreamBinaryWriter但它似乎工作。

sealed class UserToken : IDisposable
    private Socket _ownerSocket;
    public Socket ownerSocket { get { return _ownerSocket; } }

    private MemoryStream _memoryStream;
    private BinaryWriter _binaryWriter;
    //private StringBuilder stringbuilder;

    private int totalByteCount;

    public String LastError;

    public UserToken(Socket readSocket, int bufferSize)
        _ownerSocket = readSocket;
        _memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
        _binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(_memoryStream);
        //stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(bufferSize);

    // Do something with the received data, then reset the token for use by another connection.
    // This is called when all of the data have been received for a read socket.
    public void ProcessData(SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
        String received = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_memoryStream.ToArray());
        //String received = stringbuilder.ToString();

        Debug.Write("Received: \"" + received + "\". The server has read " + received.Length + " bytes.");

        //stringbuilder.Length = 0;
        totalByteCount = 0;

    public bool ReadSocketData(SocketAsyncEventArgs readSocket)
        int byteCount = readSocket.BytesTransferred;

        if ((totalByteCount + byteCount) > stringbuilder.Capacity)
            LastError = "Receive Buffer cannot hold the entire message for this connection.";
            return false;
            //stringbuilder.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readSocket.Buffer, readSocket.Offset, byteCount));
            totalByteCount += byteCount;
            return true;

    public void Dispose()
            //Nothing to do here, connection is closed already

当我运行它时,它似乎可以正常工作。即使我设置protected const int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1它也会接受> 1字节的流:

17:11:20:433 - Debug - Initializing the listener on port 5000...
17:11:20:439 - Debug - Starting the listener...
17:11:20:444 - Debug - Server started.
17:11:31:856 - Debug - Received: "listener". The server has read 8 bytes.
17:11:33:264 - Debug - Received: "l". The server has read 1 bytes.
17:11:33:268 - Debug - Received: "istener". The server has read 7 bytes.
17:11:36:744 - Debug - Received: "l". The server has read 1 bytes.
17:11:36:744 - Debug - Received: "i". The server has read 1 bytes.
17:11:36:746 - Debug - Received: "stener". The server has read 6 bytes.


  1. 我是对的,StringBuilder这不适用于二进制文件,我应该使用MemoryStreamandBinaryWriter吗?
  2. SocketAsyncEventArgs如果在程序的其他地方用初始化,我是否需要关注缓冲区溢出SetBuffer(new Byte[_bufferSize], 0, _bufferSize);
  3. 如果我必须遵守缓冲区大小限制,我是否需要对发送数据的客户端设置相同的缓冲区限制?

1 回答 1



  1. StringBuilder工作正常。只需base64在发送前编码字符串并在接收后解码。无论是发送文本还是二进制数据,都应该这样做。请参阅我在下面写的课程。
  2. 仍然不知道这个问题的答案,但看到StringBuilder &base64与二进制一起工作,这个问题不再相关。
  3. 我认为这个问题的答案是肯定的。客户端应该有一个最大消息长度。我根据我定义消息长度的套接字的标题部分进行控制。标头是固定长度的,我的最大消息长度是0xFFFFF.

编码/解码 base64 的类:

public static class Base64
    public static string EncodeBase64(string text)
        return System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));

    public static string EncodeBase64(byte[] array)
        return System.Convert.ToBase64String(array);

    public static string DecodeBase64ToString(string base64String)
        return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64String));

    public static Byte[] DecodeBase64ToBinary(string base64String)
        Byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
        return bytes;
于 2017-06-20T16:14:35.727 回答