I'm working on this program that is a simulation for the Grid puzzle. Grid is like a 2- Dimensional version of the Rubik's Cube. Here is the criteria for this puzzle:

  • 6 x 6 grid
  • 2 faces
  • user can rotate columns and rows
  • rotations are 180 degrees
  • consist of two colors

Note: I have used the '*' star character to represent black and 'o' to represent white.

The user enters the side (top, bottom, left or right) and the number of columns or rows they want to rotate, and the simulation will simulate the movement. Please take a look at the grid:enter image description here

When the user rotates, the color changes to the opposite color and CHANGES POSITION according to the rotation.

I have mostly everything done, except the rotation. When the user enters the side and row/ column number, only the color reverses, the placement of the color is not correct.

Here is an example of the rotation:enter image description here

Can you please help me so that the rotations work properly. Thanks a lot in advance.

Here is my class code.

// Library Files
using namespace std;
# include <iostream>    // input and output

#ifndef G_R_I_D
#define G_R_I_D

class grid
    int input();                                        // side and num
    int flipTop();
    int flipBottom();
    int flipRight();
    int flipLeft();
    void initBoard();                                   // Create blank board
    void printBoard();                                  // print board

    char board [6][6];                                  // board
    int num;                                            // number of rows/ columns from side

*Member Definition*
int grid::input()
    cout << "# of Rows /Columns: ";                     // Indicates num of rows or columns
    cin >> num;

int grid::flipRight()
    num = 6 - num;                                     // Match input to correct array ex. if right 2, actual array is 4
    for(num; num < 6; num++)                           // Because bottom contains the y axis arrays 3, 4, 5, count up in sequence
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (board[i][num] == 'o')
                board[i][num] = '*';

            else if (board[i][num] == '*')
                board[i][num] = 'o';

int grid::flipLeft()
    num = num - 1;                                      // If between arrays 0-2, subtract one from input because first array is 1
    for(num; num >= 0; num--)                           // Because bottom contains the y axis arrays 0, 1, 2, count down in sequence
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (board[i][num] == 'o')
                board[i][num] = '*';

            else if (board[i][num] == '*')
                board[i][num] = 'o';

int grid::flipTop()
    num = num - 1;                                      // If between arrays 0-2, subtract one from input because first array is 1
    for(num; num >= 0; num--)                           // Because bottom contains the y axis arrays 0, 1, 2, count down in sequence
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (board[num][i] == 'o')
                board[num][i] = '*';

            else if (board[num][i] == '*')
                board[num][i] = 'o';

int grid::flipBottom()
    num = 6 - num;                                       // Match input to correct array ex. if right 2, actual array is 4
    for(num; num < 6; num++)                             // Because bottom contains the y axis arrays 3, 4, 5, count up in sequence
        for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            if (board[num][i] == 'o')
                board[num][i] = '*';

            else if (board[num][i] == '*')
                board[num][i] = 'o';

void grid::initBoard()                                // Goes through each 36 array starting with 0,0
    for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++)                          // columns
        for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)                     // rows
            board[y][x] = 'o';                          // assign each array to the char 'o'

void grid::printBoard()
    for (int y = 0; y < 6; y++)                         // Defining y axis (wait until x axis arrays have printed to continue to next column)
        for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)                     // Defining x axis (once row is finished, proceed to next column)
            cout << ' ' << board[y][x] << ' ';          // Place space between each character
        cout << endl << endl;                           // New line, next row

#endif // G_R_I_D


And here is my c++ file that runs the class.

// Library Files
using namespace std;
# include <iostream>
# include "grid.h"

// Start of main function
int main()

    // Variables
    char side;
    grid gridBoard;
    // Introduction
    cout << "Grid\n Instructions: This program is a simulation of the puzzle Grid. The Grid grid has four sides and each \n"
         << "side has three rows or columns. To twist a side, enter the side you want to turn and the number of rows or columns. \n"
         << "Sides:\n- (T)op \n- (B)ottom \n- (R)ight \n- (L)eft\n- (E)xit \nColumns/Rows: 1-3\n\n";

    // Initialize

        cout << "Side: ";
        cin >> side;
        switch (toupper(side))
        case 'T':
        case 'B':
        case 'R':
        case 'L':
        case 'E':
            cout << "Simulation will exit.";
            cout << "Invalid input, please try again.\n\n";
    while (side != 'E');

    return 0;

1 回答 1


最简单的方法是意识到将数组旋转 180 度与将数组在行方向和列方向翻转一次是一样的。因此,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 从board数组中获取用户选择的子数组
  2. 做你的反转操作
  3. 在行方向翻转子数组
  4. 在列方向翻转子数组
  5. 将子数组复制回板子数组

对于翻转操作,您可以使用临时数组。顺便说一句,我在这里称它为数组,但您可能想查看 std::array 以便更轻松地处理数据。在那里你可以使用迭代器和交换函数。

于 2017-06-18T17:19:10.460 回答