i am new in word/paragraph embedding and trying to understand via doc2vec in GENSIM. I would like to seek advice on whether my understanding is incorrect. My understanding is that doc2vec is potentially able to return documents that may have semantically similar content. As a test, i tried the following and have the following questions.
Question 1: I noted that every run of training with the exact same parameters and examples will result in a model that produces very different results from previous trains (E.g. Different vectors and different ranking of similar documents eveytime).. Why is this so indeterministic? As such, can this be reliably used for any practical work?
Question 2: Why am i not getting the tag ids of the top similar documents instead? Results: [('day',0.477),('2016',0.386)....
Question 2 answer: The problem was due to model.most_similar, should use model.docvecs.most_similar instead
Please advise if i misunderstood anything?
Data prep
I had created multiple documents with a sentence each. I had deliberately made it such that they are distinctly different semantically.
A: It is a fine summer weather, with the birds singing and sun shining bright.
B: It is a lovely day indeed, if only i had a degree in appreciating.
C: 2016-2017 Degree in Earth Science Earthly University
D: 2009-2010 Dip in Life and Nature Life College
Query: Degree in Philosophy from Thinking University from 2009 to 2010
I trained the documents (tokens as words, running index as tag)
docstring=['It is a fine summer weather, with the birds singing and sun shining bright.',
'It is a lovely day indeed, if only i had a degree in appreciating.',
'2016-2017 Degree in Earth Science Earthly University',
'2009-2010 Dip in Life and Nature Life College']
for para in docstring:
tokens=tokenize(para) #This will also strip punctuation
td=TaggedDocument(gensim.utils.to_unicode(str.encode(' '.join(tokens))).split(), str(counter))
model=gensim.models.Doc2Vec(tdlist,dm=0,alpha=0.025, size=20, min_alpha=0.025, min_count=0)
for epoch in range(200):
model.train(tdlist, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.iter)
I then attempted to infer the query. Although they are many missing words in the vocab for the query, i would expect closest document similarity results for C and D. But the results only gave me a list of 'words' followed by a similarity score. I am unsure if my understanding is wrong. Below is my code extract.
mydocvector=model.infer_vector(['Degree' ,'in' ,'Philosophy' ,'from' ,'Thinking' ,'University', 'from', '2009', 'to', '2010'])