在我在 Internet 上找到的所有与 Cake 模式相关的文章中,我看到了单级依赖关系,这对我来说很清楚。
trait DatabaseServiceComponent{
val databaseService: DatabaseService
trait DatabaseService{
def getSomeData(id: Int, tableName: String): List[String]
def getFriends(id: Int): List[Int]
trait DatabaseServiceComponentImpl extends DatabaseServiceComponent{
val databaseService: DatabaseService = new DatabaseServiceImpl
class DatabaseServiceImpl extends DatabaseService{
def getSomeData(id: Int, tableName: String): List[String] = ???
def getFriends(id: Int): List[Int] = ???
trait Scoring { this: DatabaseServiceComponent =>
def importantValues: Set[String]
val tableName: String
def getScore(id: Int): Double = databaseService.getSomeData(id, tableName).count(importantValues)
class Scoring1 extends Scoring{this: DatabaseServiceComponent =>
val tableName: String = "s1"
override def importantValues: Set[String] = Set("a", "b")
class Scoring2 extends Scoring{this: DatabaseServiceComponent =>
val tableName: String = "s2"
override def importantValues: Set[String] = Set("foo", "bar")
class Scoring3 extends Scoring{this: DatabaseServiceComponent =>
val tableName: String = "s3"
override def importantValues: Set[String] = Set("1", "2")
// How to implement this correctly?
trait Scoring2FriendsAverage {this: DatabaseServiceComponent =>
val scoring2: Scoring2
def getScore(id: Int):Double ={
val scores = databaseService.getFriends(id).map(scoring2.getScore)
scores.size / scores.sum
object FriendsScoringProcessor{
val scoring2Friends = new Scoring2FriendsAverage with DatabaseServiceComponentImpl{
val scoring2 = new Scoring2 with DatabaseServiceComponentImpl // I don't like that I have to mix the implementation of a service again
def printScores(id: Int): Unit = {
val score = scoring2Friends.getScore(id)
我有一组评分,每个评分都使用一个数据库。我有一个 FriendsScoring,它使用使用数据库的评分之一。我希望能够仅将数据库实现与 FriendsScoring 混合,并且不要在较低级别的服务中复制它。