我可以在我的 Android 应用程序中集成 Java DB 或 Apache Derby 吗?或任何内联或嵌入式数据库。任何人都可以建议它的代码吗?我需要一些代码,因为我必须做例子,而不是理论上。
我认为这些是 inMobile 数据库,但我在 Google 中没有找到任何相关信息。
抱歉,Derby 不适用于 Android。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此问题:https ://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-4458
Android includes SQLite, so this is normal choice.
There is an embedded Java database that supports the Android platform: the H2 database. However, support for Android is relatively new, and you probably shouldn't use it, unlike you really need features that SQLite doesn't support.