我想知道一个人或一个团体是否随着时间的推移在说同样的事情。我对 n-gram 很熟悉,但这并不是我所需要的。任何帮助,将不胜感激。
如果您想查看与每个 Person 相关的每个评论的频率以及一个新列 Ready,您可以使用以下代码执行此操作:
### I use the same data as the previous example, thank you for providing this !
data <-data.frame(date = Sys.Date() - sample(100),
Group = c("Cars","Trucks") %>% sample(100,replace=T),
Reporting_person = c("A","B","C") %>% sample(100,replace=T),
Comments = c("Awesome","Meh","NC") %>% sample(100,replace=T),
Ready = as.character(c("Yes","No") %>% sample(100,replace=T))
data %>%
group_by(Reporting_person,Ready) %>%
count(Comments) %>%
mutate(prop = prop.table(n))
### Creating a column comments at time + plus
new = data %>%
arrange(Reporting_person,Group,date) %>%
group_by(Group,Reporting_person) %>%
new = na.omit(new)
### Creating the change column 1 is a change , 0 no change
new$Change = as.numeric(new$Comments != new$comments_plusone)
### Get the correlation between Change and the events...
### Chi-test to test if correlation between the event and the change
### Not that using Pearson correlation is not pertinent here :
tbl <- table(new$Ready,new$Change)
chi2 = chisq.test(tbl, correct=F)
c(chi2$statistic, chi2$p.value)
sqrt(chi2$statistic / sum(tbl))
并不是说使用 cor 函数不适合使用两个二进制变量。
newR = data %>%
arrange(Reporting_person,Group,date) %>%
group_by(Group,Reporting_person) %>%
newR = na.omit(newR)
###------------------------Add the column to the new data frame
### Creating the REady change column 1 is a change , 0 no change
### Creating the change of state , I use this because you seem to have more than 2 levels.
new$State_change = paste(newR$Ready,newR$Ready_plusone,sep="_")
### Getting the frequency of Change by Change of State(Ready Yes-no..no-yes..)
result <- new %>%
group_by(Reporting_person,State_change) %>%
count(Change) %>%
mutate(Frequence = prop.table(n))%>%
### Tidyr is a great library for reshape data, you want the wide format of the previous long
### dataframe... However doing this will generate a lot of NA so If I were you I would get
### the result format instead of the following but this could be helpful for future need so here you go.
final = as.data.frame(spread(result, key = State_change, value = prop))[,c(1,4:7)]
df <-data.frame(date = Sys.Date() - sample(10),
Group = c("Cars","Trucks") %>% sample(10,replace=T),
Reporting_person = c("A","B","C") %>% sample(10,replace=T),
Comments = c("Awesome","Meh","NC") %>% sample(10,replace=T))
# date Group Reporting_person Comments
# 1 2017-06-08 Trucks B Awesome
# 2 2017-06-05 Trucks A Awesome
# 3 2017-06-14 Cars B Meh
# 4 2017-06-06 Cars B Awesome
# 5 2017-06-11 Cars A Meh
# 6 2017-06-07 Cars B NC
# 7 2017-06-09 Cars A NC
# 8 2017-06-10 Cars A NC
# 9 2017-06-13 Trucks C Awesome
# 10 2017-06-12 Trucks B NC
aggregate(date ~ .,df,length)
# Group Reporting_person Comments date
# 1 Trucks A Awesome 1
# 2 Cars B Awesome 1
# 3 Trucks B Awesome 1
# 4 Trucks C Awesome 1
# 5 Cars A Meh 1
# 6 Cars B Meh 1
# 7 Cars A NC 2
# 8 Cars B NC 1
# 9 Trucks B NC 1