在我学习 Pipes 的过程中,我在处理非 utf8 文件时遇到了问题。这就是为什么我绕道进入 Turtle 库,试图了解如何在更高的抽象层次上解决那里的问题。
我想做的练习很简单:找到从给定目录可访问的所有常规文件的所有行的总和。这很容易通过以下 shell 命令实现:
find $FPATH -type f -print | xargs cat | wc -l
import qualified Control.Foldl as F
import qualified Turtle as T
-- | Returns true iff the file path is not a symlink.
noSymLink :: T.FilePath -> IO Bool
noSymLink fPath = (not . T.isSymbolicLink) <$> T.stat fPath
-- | Shell that outputs the regular files in the given directory.
regularFilesIn :: T.FilePath -> T.Shell T.FilePath
regularFilesIn fPath = do
fInFPath <- T.lsif noSymLink fPath
st <- T.stat fInFPath
if T.isRegularFile st
then return fInFPath
else T.empty
-- | Read lines of `Text` from all the regular files under the given directory
-- path.
inputDir :: T.FilePath -> T.Shell T.Line
inputDir fPath = do
file <- regularFilesIn fPath
T.input file
-- | Print the number of lines in all the files in a directory.
printLinesCountIn :: T.FilePath -> IO ()
printLinesCountIn fPath = do
count <- T.fold (inputDir fPath) F.length
print count
只要目录中没有非 utf8 文件,此解决方案就会给出正确的结果。如果不是这种情况,程序将引发如下异常:
*** Exception: test/resources/php_ext_syslog.h: hGetLine: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)
$ file -I test/resources/php_ext_syslog.h
test/resources/php_ext_syslog.h: text/x-c; charset=iso-8859-1
mDecodeByteString :: T.Shell ByteString -> T.Shell T.Text
mDecodeByteString = gMDecodeByteString (streamDecodeUtf8With lenientDecode)
where gMDecodeByteString :: (ByteString -> Decoding)
-> T.Shell ByteString
-> T.Shell T.Text
gMDecodeByteString f bss = do
bs <- bss
let Some res bs' g = f bs
if BS.null bs'
then return res
else gMDecodeByteString g bss
inputDir' :: T.FilePath -> T.Shell T.Line
inputDir' fPath = do
file <- regularFilesIn fPath
text <- mDecodeByteString (TB.input file)
T.select (NE.toList $ T.textToLines text)
-- | Print the number of lines in all the files in a directory. Using a more
-- robust version of `inputDir`.
printLinesCountIn' :: T.FilePath -> IO ()
printLinesCountIn' fPath = do
count <- T.fold (inputDir' fPath) T.countLines
print count
问题是这将在每个文件中多计算一行,但至少允许解码非 utf8 ByteString